Chapter 5

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                               | Chapter 5

                                   "Roaming at night (note to self never do that at camp half-blood)" | 

Narrator POV

"We have to get you ready for your date tomorrow Shira!" Tendou said 

"A Date?!" Shirabu said 

"Yup!" Tendou said 


Shirabu couldn't sleep, he kept on thinking about everything mainly about Semi crush and What Tendou Meant by "date" 

'Ugh..I should just get up..' Shirabu said getting up and looking at the time, '12:48 PM..' He thought

Shirabu then heard what seem like a Screech, it must be the a harpy.. Shirabu said, Semi had told him that their usually NICE at this time, Shirabu then put the hoodie Goshiki gave him (he would never thank him for it..), He then quietly walk to the door to the Hermes cabin, he succeeded (of course), when he got out it was a bit silent other then the noise of the creatures, Shirabu then looked around to see if anyone was there and no one was there, the cost was clear.

Shirabu then just walk into the forest where he and Aki was when she push him into the dark to find his power, and then landing in the Armory..and then all of that..

As Shirabu walk into the darknesses (I mean it was already dark but it did get darker), He could feel himself falling into internal darkness, what he means is that he's shadow travel, he then sees Yellow,Blue,Purple Flowers again..

He then closes his eyes slowly taking a breath.. , He then felt like he was going to get hurt again but he didn't he just hit the ground really hard (which still hurt but not as bad as before) 

"Ugh..." Shirabu said 

'Where..? Oh-' Shirabu said looking at where he was at the Apollo cabin 'huh.. the Apollo cabin..? Why I'm I here?' Shirabu slowly got up and dusted himself. He then walk away from the cabin and went back to walking wherever he was going. He then walked further and further until he sees a sign that says "Canoe Lake" on it he then walk to the edge of the lake and just looked at the view it was dark of course what did he expect but it was very pretty he then felt a gust of wind through his hair. He then close his thinking about how he ended up here and he then sat down on the grass and kept of thinking and he then remembered a song he would sing for his brothers..mortal brothers? He didn't know anymore he took a deep breath and sang the first line

"We wander across the seas and oceans you" he sang still closing his eyes holding onto his necklace looking at his family photo  "You said it's that place where we belong, it's bitter of a prophecy we're orphans, you know the truth, It's not the place we used to long.." Shirabu sang thinking back to how his younger brothers always say that he should sing more often, Just then Shirabu heard something like someone stepping on a stick he also heard a faint "Oh shit-.."  Shirabu then turned around and saw silver hair.. 'Semi..?' Shirabu immediately thought "hey..-" Semi said looking a bit embarrassed "why are you up?" Shirabu ask is his "neutral face" as Taichi like's to call it "I could ask you the same thing, Tendou literally ran to the Apollo cabin walking up all of the campers in the cabin and all of the Hermes campers as well and scream 'Shirabu is missing' and I was so worried like what in the right mind made you wanna talk a 'night stroll' at this hour!?" Semi screamed at Shirabu looking at him in a very 'I'm going to end you' face "uh- I couldn't sleep..?" Shirabu said "couldn't sleep huh?" Semi said very (not so sweet) Calm voice Shirabu look a bit scared but tried to hide with his 'neutral face' "oh and I think the Persephone and Demeter kids heard Tendou's scream heck everyone in camp did" Semi says "oh..-" Shirabu says "I'm pretty sure that Chiron and Coach Hedge heard as well..your in big trouble Shira.." Semi says "..." Shirabu stayed silent still looking at Semi face "well we should head back before everyone goes crazy looking for you..Especially the Persephone and Demeter kids.. they will go crazy if they found out their newbie is gone" Semi says "Hm..." Shirabu says as he looks at Semi blushing a bit.

"Okay then let's head back" Semi says extending his hand for Shirabu to grab. Shirabu looks at his hand and grabs it they both look at Canoe lake one last time and they then set off (back to the cabins that is) it was an..awkward and quiet  walk back but also a comforting one. Then Semi says "You have a good singing voice Shira, you also sounded great when you sang at the campfire" Semi says breaking the silence between them. Shirabu looks away embarrassed "T-Thank you..-" Shirabu said stuttering a bit Semi just smiles at him. "You know you should sing more often" Semi said Shirabu thought for a sec "Maybe I will maybe I won't" Shirabu says looking around at their surroundings "Anyways-" Shirabu said "Hm?" Semi says looks at him "I was wondering..have you met your dad?" Shirabu ask Semi look surprised for a sec he didn't think Shirabu would ask that question "um..well I haven't met him but he did send a postcard of a beach and he even learned how to write it in Japanese and I hung it my house ever since I got it" Semi replies Shirabu just looked at Semi he felt bad for asking "oh..sorry for asking that- I thought you would've already met him-" Shirabu says but didn't get to finish his sentence "'s fine Shirabu" Semi says as they reach the cabins "And we're back!" Semi says loud enough for everyone to hear.

Tendou was the first to run up to them "Shirabu! , Thanks the gods that your okay!" He says as he hugged him. Shirabu hugs back surprisingly "ahem" They all heard Chiron say "oh no.." Semi says in a whisper. 

"Kenjiro" Chiron says in a stern yet tired voice "yes..?" Shirabu says nervously Chiron looks at him he takes a deep breath 

"I'll talk to you in the morning, right now go get some sleep, Same thing goes for all of you too go back to your cabins" 

Shirabu nods followed by everyone else 

"Come shira let's go back to the cabin" Tendou says Shirabu just nods but before he left with Tendou he pat Semi on the head smiling at him bitting a 'goodbye and goodnight Eita' in a sleepy voice Semi just stood there.

Tendou and Shirabu got back to the cabin but before Shirabu could go back into his bed 

"Shira why did you go out at night?" 

"'s nothing..just couldn't sleep that's all"

"Oh..we'll you could have just woke me up we could've talk!" 

"Mhm.." Shirabu says 

"Now how about you get some sleep you still have that date tomorrow" 

"Mhm.." Shirabu says in a daze "Good' night Tendou..'" As he goes to his bed "good night Shira.." Tendou says falling asleep  


Words: 1269

To be continued..

End of Chapter 5 

"Roaming at night (note to self never do that at camp half-blood)"

Of 'Welcome To Camp Half-Blood Shirabu !'


A/N: Heyyy..-! Sorry for not uploading this sooner it's just that I got lazy and school work TvT but hey I hoped you liked this Chapter ^^  also if you are wonder the song that Shirabu sings it's called "Birds of time" you can find it on YouTube. With that



Welcome To Camp Half-Blood Shirabu !Where stories live. Discover now