Chapter 2

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                                                                             | Chapter 2

                                                                             "childhood talk (+ Shirabu angst +Godly parent talk) + Ride to Camp ^^ =C H  O A S"  | 

Semi POV:

I thought someone this small would be light-, don't get me wrong yes he is light (and a bit Harvey) , but with him talking in his sleep it's a bit hard to carry him, but I didn't even realize but we somehow made it to Goshiki dorm, I didn't even Know we got here that fast, I had so many questions on my mind "Who is Shirabu godly parent?", "Why claim him at 17", "What would Shirabu think of all of this?" , "I wonder what his reaction will be once we tell him that camp half-blood is all the way in New York?",once we made it inside I put Shirabu on the bed and let him rest.

"So should we call Chiron?" Tendou ask "Yeah we should tell him that we found a newbie" I say "Semi-san can you get pouch of drachmas under my bed can you get it for me?" Goshiki ask me "uh- sure" I say while getting the pouch of drachmas and giving it to him "here" I say while giving it to him, Goshiki then got started on the procedure to send a message to iris.

"Oh Iris,Goddess of Rainbows, please accept my offering" Goshiki then  throws the drachmas  into the water, within seconds in the rainbow Chiron's face appeared.

"Chiron! We have some new" Tendou says Chiron rolled his eyes "what is it?" He ask "What god does pomegranate and grains?" Tendou says. "That is my dear half-sister daughter Persephone" Chiron says.

"Persephone as in Hades wife, As in The queen of the underworld!?" Me and Gaishiki say "Yes" Chiron says "oh and who is it? , we need some youngsters here" the three of us stay quite "uhhh- this guy is not little Chiron" Tendou says Chiron looks at us with Curiosity and interest "how old is he?" Chiron ask "He 17 Chiron" Tendou says "17..I see does he have any powers?" Chiron ask us "No we don't know if he has any powers, sorry Chiron" Goshiki says "mhm.." Chiron say while putting his hand on his chin "Can you bring him to camp? I want to ask him some questions" Chiron ask us "we'll ask him if he wants to came with us" I say to Chiron, Goshiki and Tendou nodding to my answer "Kay is that all you three?" Chiron ask us in a very Stern voice, "yup" we all say "okay bye see you all at camp" Chiron says as he leaves the rainbow "bye" we all say taking a breather "I guess we have to ask him if wants to came to camp with us" I say "yeah we do" Tendou says.

After a few minutes Shirabu starts to wake up

Shirabu's POV: 

"Huh...Where I'm I...?" I say as I rub my eyes "your in my dorm room Shirabu-san" Goshiki says calmly  "I had the most weirdest all were demigods and told me I was one too.." I say in a daze, "That wasn't a dream Shirabu" Tendou says " all of that was true?" I ask "yup" Semi replies "I'm surprised your calm about this, just a minute ago you ran away from your godly parent's sign-" Tendou didn't finish his sentence because Semi gave him a stare "semi-" I say semi snapped out of the stare "yeah?" "Stop giving Tendou the stare sure he deserves it but that doesn't mean you can give him one" I say "Hey- so mean, so so mean, Kenjiro" Tendou said fake 'crying' to what I said I gave him a unimpressed stare "uh- Shirabu?" Semi said "yes?" I say.

"Was there anything from your childhood that gave you signs that you were a demigod?" Semi ask me "uh- now that I think about it yeah" all of then beamed at what I said "Um- do you mind telling us" Semi ask "Uh- sure" I took a deep breath and then I started "The first time I saw a harpy was when I was 7 when I was at the park with my mom and two younger brothers while my dad went into a store" They all stay silent while I talked "wait- you have two brothers-" Goshiki ask "Yes well I have two older brothers and two younger brothers" I say as Goshiki awe at that, I would curse him off but this one time I'll let him be "I remember seeing the pomegranate and grains when I was 8 but I thought it was a dream or that I was just seeing things" I say "Wait- so you would have been a Demigod at that age or a bit older-" Tendou says socked "yeah I guess" I say "I also remember the first time I heard the word 'Demigod' was when I was almost 9 and it also was the first time I heard my parents fight.." I stop there, they all stayed silent.

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