Chapter 4

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                                                                             | Chapter 4

                                                                           "We're like one dysfunctional family" |

Narrator POV:

"Shadow travel! , My little brother can Shadow travel" she said, Aki then looked at him "oh shit.." was the least thing Shirabu heard before he passed out.


This font means flashbacks: I 


"Kenjiro, I talked with your mother" Chiron said  

Shirabu just stayed quiet

"You're mother wants you to stay in camp for a year, she wants you to take a gap year to learn how to protect yourself, you understand that Kenjiro?" Chiron ask 

"I understand" Shirabu said 

"Your father on the other hand wants you to forget about all this Demigod nonsense, and risk your life, and live on the life you already have" Chiron says 

Shirabu just nod's 

"I'm guessing you want some time to think about this" 

"Uh- yes" 

"Your father said that you should just leave, but it's your choice, I told him it's your choice if you want to stay here or not Shirabu" 

"I understand, I do need some time" 

"I understand" Chiron says 


Shirabu slowly opens his eyes,He saw silver hair.., 'Semi..?' He thought 

The room he was in wasn't the Armory..

Shirabu then turned to the window to see if the sun was still out, he moved the curtains and the suns light made the room lit up a bit, not too much to the point were Semi could wake up

The light made Shirabu's head spin

He then poked Semi cheek,Semi slowly wakes up, "Shirabu-!" Semi "Do you how worried I was!?, I was just minding my own business, when Kogane,Goshiki and Aki came in saying you were past out!?" Semi says 

Shirabu plugged his ears 

"Oh my- stop yelling-, this headache I'm having is being a bitch-"

Semi then stop yelling 

"Is your head okay?" 

"Not really.." 

"Here have this"

He gave Shirabu some candy

"Here have this" Semi said 

Shirabu looked at the candy 

"It's isn't going to poison you, I didn't poison it dumbass"

"Candy isn't going to help Semi-" 

"Just listen to me for once"

Shirabu stayed quiet and took the candy 

It tasted like..whitebait, Shirabu then took one more 

"Woah there-" Semi said taking the candy away 

"This has ambrosia, and with to much of it can kill you Shira!" Semi said 

"You could have told me idiot-!" Shirabu said 

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