Chapter 3

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                                                                     | Chapter 3

                                                                       "Finding out my power" |

Narrator POV:

"Welcome to camp half-blood Shirabu!" They all said 


They all see a familiar white Pegasus with it's rider.

Goshiki called the Pegasus down and the rider waved at them welcoming them to camp.

"Hi you three!," Suga look at Shirabu "Newbie?" He says "Yup, he was just claimed yesterday, Son of Persephone" Semi says Suga smiles at Shirabu "Hi I'm Suga or you also may know me as karasuno setter or pitch setter" Suga says extending his arm out, Shirabu  awkwardly shakes his hand "You're shiratorzawa starting setter right?" Suga ask.

"Uh- yup" Shirabu says a bit awkwardly looking at Semi  then back at Suga, Suga just smiles at that "anyways you said he was the son of Persephone right?" Suga ask "Yup" Tendou says butting into the conversation "Well does he prefer the Demeter's cabin or Hermes or ya know hades.." Suga says look at him, Shirabu looks at Semi with a 'Where do I go face'.

"Uh- how about you stay with Tendou in the Hermes cabin" Semi says to Shirabu, Tendou's face lits up "Yeah Shirabu we can be roommates, I can also tell you the camp latest gossip!" Tendou says excitedly "We'll with that settle, Tendou can you get the room ready for our new camper?" Suga ask Tendou "On it!" Tendou says running to his cabin "See at the cabin shiraaa~!" Tendou says.

"Well should I take him to the Big house?" Suga says, Semi sees Shirabu looking at the Pegasus nervously "I don't think he's ready to learn Pegasus riding  just yet Suga" Semi says looking at Shirabu, "I'll take him there to meet Chiron" Semi says "Okay! Also didn't you say he was just claimed yesterday?, A bit late I might say, but whatever" Suga says.

"Welcome to camp Shirabu!" Suga says "Oh by the way how long is he staying?" Suga ask "Uh- just for a few days" Semi replies "mhm, and what about you Goshiki?" Suga ask "I think he wants to go to his little boyfriend, go on" Semi says, Goshiki says goodbye  to them all, running off to go see his boyfriend.

After that the two went off to the Big house to meet up with Chiron. 

"Shira their might be some weird stuff on they way to the Big house" Semi says 

"I mean I just found out I'm a demigod and got attack by a harpy, what else can happen?" 

Semi took that as a challenge 

"Well have you heard of centaurs?, what about satyrs,Nymphs?" Semi ask with a smirk 

Shirabu nodded

"Well you'll see them a lot around camp" Semi says as he steps on the stairs to the Big house as Shirabu follows.

As they enter the Big house, Semi yelled out for Chiron telling him Shirabu is here.

"Chiron Shirabu here!" Semi yelled playing a beat on the large door in front of them

Just then a centaur's came from the room, which Shirabu assumes is Chiron

"Oh my god- he has a Horse for a body-" Shirabu says out if complete shock

"I would prefer Stallion Kenjiro" Chiron says 

"Go easy on him Chiron, he just found out he's a demigod" Semi says "anyways I'll pick him up and take him to the Hermes cabin after your done talking to him Chiron"

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