'Chapter 1.5'

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                                                                                | 'Chapter 1.5' 

                                                             "4  Times Shirabu (almost) found out he's a demigod and 1 time he did"  | 

                                                                                <<<<<<<<  >>>>>>>

1,First time seeing a harpy

( Shirabu was 7 , Kaito was 5 and Katsuo  was 4 )

(A/N: yes I know Shirabu as two older brothers but for this story we're just going with the younger ones ^^ ) 

Shirabu's family was out of the house because  they had some errands to run, his father was inside a store while his mother let him and his younger brothers play at the park , while his brothers were playing on the play set , while he just swings on the swings looking up at the sky admiring the beauty of the sky, then something flew by, he just thought it was a bird, so he forgot about for a few seconds that is until he saw his mothers face she look...surprised, he thought it was because of the bird or something else, so he just shrugged it off. (Little did he know that bird was a Harpy) 


2, seeing the pomegranate and grains sign (For the first time 😃)

The first time shirabu saw the sign was at 8 years old, he was just Doing whatever 8 year olds do, when it was time for him to sleep he had a dream (nightmare?) , he woke up with sweat on his head he was so confused and scared at what his dream more like nightmare was about but when he look straight to his mirror next to his bedroom door their was a pomegranate and grains above his head, he just thought he was still in is dream/nightmare so he tried falling asleep but he couldn't so he just stared at the pomegranate and grains until he fell back to sleep.

"Sleep well my child..,you'll find out once your old enough.." 


3,Hearing the word "Demigod" for the first time 

( Shirabu was almost 9 )

The first time Shirabu heard the word "Demigod" was when his parents were talking with each other in their room, now Shirabu wasn't the one to over heard his parents conversation but he heard his name when his parents were talking, "He's almost 9 hun, 9! He should have seen the signs by now-" his dad yelled at his mom, 'what signs?' Shirabu thought , "I know dear but he still too young to know that he's a demigod" his mother yelled back, 'Demigod?' Shirabu was confused (af-) 'what is a demigod' Shirabu thought he just got more confused as the conversation goes, just then his brother Kaito came and ask why he was listening to their mom and dad's conversation and why were they yelling at each other, "It's nothing Kaito" Shirabu whispered as quietly as he can so that their parents don't hear , "let's just go back down stairs" "okay brother.." Kaito says (the rest of the day Shirabu was questioning what his parents might be him being a 'demigod' ).


4,Getting his powers + him getting fear of the dark

Shirabu was 5-6 when he got his powers but he didn't know (ofc) , he was playing hide and seek with his brothers and cousins, so he thought it was a good idea to hide in his bedroom closet it was funny at first but when nobody had found him he got scared, he opened the closet door to find that he was in his preschool 'how did I get here!?' Shirabu , he was scared, he started to cry, after what felt like hours the police finally saved him and bought him back to his family.

After that day Shirabu was scared of the dark even more then he ever had


+1 (which makes 5) He finally found out he's a demigod (+ semishira crumbs ) 

Shirabu slowly wakes up, "huh..where I'm I..?" "Your awake!" Tendou says "did you have a good dream well more like nightmare" semi ask "huh..? What-" "you were saying stuff when you past out Shirabu-san" Goshiki "oh..wait- what did you guys hear-?" Shirabu ask with Curiosity, "uhh something about..Demigods..? Shirabu is their something from your childhood that gave you hint's that you were a demigod" Semi ask "know thinking about it yeah" "do you mind telling us?" "Uhh..sure..?" Shirabu took a deep breath and started "Well I did see a harpy when I was 7..and I did see the pomegranate and grain sign too but at 8 years.." they all stay silent letting the him speak "oh- speaking of the sign he know who your godly parent is!" Tendou says "really..?" Shirabu says Still in a daze "yup- your the son of ——————————"  Tendou says "..." Shirabu stays silent still a bit Shocked at what is happening, but then semi lifted Shirabu bangs to cheek if he was sick Shirabu  blushed at gesture, "what are..you doing semi..?" "What does it look like brat"  , Shirabu made a annoyed face but it was a bit less annoyed more like his face was soft and annoyed , "Okay you lovebirds-" both of their faces turned red at that, Tendou smirk at that "Shirabu keep going" "oh- right- so after those two things when I was almost 9 I heard my parents talking (more like yelling) at each about me and then my mom said something about me being a demigod which at the time I didn't know what that meant but it seem important to my parents.." Shirabu said his face turning not to look sad (but they knew he was sad) "they haven't really fight a lot when I was little that was until I was almost 9 like I told you guys" they all stay silent for a bit, then something unexpected happens Semi  hugs Shirabu , ofc he was shocked but hugs back , Goshiki look surprised and Tendou took a picture (for research purposes yeah- 😃) after they pulled apart They just stare at each other far a bit then snap back to reality, "oh- ummm is their anything else you want to know?" Shirabu ask them "nope" they all say "oh- Shirabu" "mhm..?" "We spoke to Chiron about you" Tendou says "what did he say?" Shirabu ask "he said..." .

To be continued


End of 'Chapter 1.5'

"4 times Shirabu (almost) found out he was a demigod and 1 time he did"

Of "Welcome To Camp Half-Blood Shirabu !"


Hi again two updates in a day (I'm kinda surprised at that-) and I thought this chapter would be 100-800 words but no it was 1000+ words like what!? (I'm kinda proud of myself) but yeah you guys got a bit of a back story, I hope you enjoy also who do you think Shirabu godly parent is? 

With that Bye ! 


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