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VISERYS Targaryen has never
wanted anything more then
a son. His wife, Aemma,
had many troubles when
it came to getting pregnant.
The King needed to make
a plan to ensure his line
would never die. He needed
to make sure he could keep
the Targaryen name alive.

AFTER Rhaenyra turned a
year old, and Aemma still
hadn't fallen pregnant again ,
Viserys put his plan into
action. He reconnected with
an old friend, a woman
named Paella who had
given him comfort back
when he first became King.

HE explained to her the
plan and she agreed to
the terms. Mostly she was
in it for the money and the
safety. She didn't want to
have to keep the secret or
even carry his child, but
she needed to look out
for herself.

PAELLA fell pregnant and
sent word to the king. He
was pleased. His attempts
with Aemma were continuing
to fail time after time. The
King would write to Paella
often to make sure she was
doing well and had what she
needed. The two of them wrote
until she birthed the child. He
stopped writing when she
had told him the babe was
a girl, not a boy.

DEVASTATED by the news
that his failsafe hadn't been
a male, Viserys turned his
back on Paella. He knew that
even a half breed would be
better than having a girl
sit upon the iron throne.
Now he had Rhaenyrs
and Desmara, two
girls which he'd rather
have nothing at all to
do with.



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13 years later

DESMARA has been
raised to think her father
was a knight who died in
battle. Paella at first hated
the babe, the half of Viserys.
Over time she grew to love
and care for the child. She
has raised Desmara like a
commoner. She hasn't even
the idea that she is half
the blood of a Targaryen.

THE two of them live a
quiet life in the city
below the reigning
castle. Desmara has grown
into the spitting image of
the combination of her
mother and father. She
has the pale blue eyes of
her mother and the burning
white hair of her father.

SHE will soon learn of
her title. Her life will soon
begin to crumble in her
hands. Targaryen blood
tends to destroy those who
it runs through.



book I of the
Cruel Heart


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