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      THE SUN HAS begun to break over the horizon by the time I've arrived to the iron pointed gates. The Red Keep towers over me, the great towers stretch out over the orange sky. I take in a shaky breath of air and approach the guards stationed at the main gate. They fall into the middle of the path, blocking my entry.

          "Your business?" One of the guards demands. I cannot see his face through the thick armor, but his voice tells me enough. He hates his job. He'd rather be anywhere else. He wants me to state my reasoning for coming to the palace and be done.

          "I am Desmara Targaryen, the King has request to see me." I say firmly. There's a hint of doubt in my voice, but the guard seems to see past that due to my name. He looks at the other guard then back at me. He grabs me arm. The gate splits open.

          He's practically dragging me at the pace in which he is moving. My legs struggle to keep up. I make sure the black hood is securely fastened over my head. We enter through a back door. The hallway is made of stone, it is cold and dimly lit. There are doors everywhere but almost no windows. I take in what I can without seeming like a spy.

          My sides begin to hurt from the amount of heaving I'm doing to keep up. Eventually, we turn down what seems to be a main hallway. There are people, dotted here and there, keeping to their tasks. We turn down another hallway which has a thick carpet running all the way down to the giant door positioned at the end.

          The guard lets go of me, but his motion tells me to stay put. I stand still, unmoving, unblinking. He exchanged a few words with the knight positioned outside of the door. When he finally turns back to me I can tell that it's time. I'm about to enter the room in which the King- my father will be waiting to see me.

          The guard that had drug me all this way retreats down the hallway and the one that he had been speaking to takes me instead. He pushes open the great door. The room is enormous, made of glorious stone. There's pillars guiding the way up to the enormous silver throne that's placed in the center along the back wall. There's a giant window above it with morning sun pooling through it.

          A figure sits on the throne. His hand is lazily draped around his sword that's pointed into the ground beneath him. He sits with his legs slightly spread. There are guards posted on either side of the throne, but other than that, there is no audience. The knight wrapped around me pulls me further into the room. About mid-way though we stop and he introduces me, although I know the King already knows who I am.

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