chapter 9-A long loss memory

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"gege"the young boy with white long robe standing in a puddle of white fluffy bunny's surrounding him while he's hair waves as the wind was blowing flowing .while he's ribbon flew along with the wind dancing in the air ,he then looked everywhere to o find the source of the young voice where he was been called and couldn't help but smile as he's eyes spotted a small figure who was he's younger sibling coming he's way .

"A-ying ,what are you doing here"he asked though he is happy that he's younger sister came to come visit him though he was thinking why she would come all the way here and that it was dangerous thinking she could of get lost but he knew she was smart but very playful.

"A-ying is boreddd~no ones want to play with meee~~"she whined with a big pout still standing ,while putting her tiny hands behind her back,as her hair was short though long at the back tied with a red,white ribbon,her bangs were in her face while her eyes sparkled looking through them.

The young one chuckled waving he's hand to show that the younger one could sit beside him she gladly came hopping like a little bunny ,while smiling and sat beside him making her comfortable snuggling beside her gege."what is gege doing here sitting all alone~~,do they not want to play with gege yuan as well~~"she said while looking at the elder with curious eyes to why her gege was sitting at the back in the gusu mountains,in the forest alone.

"Well this gege had done something bad~now gege has to do punishment"the elder smiled while playing with he's younger sisters hair ,going through her wavey yet straight hair ,making her red ribbon mixed with white at the end he could help but melt in front of her,he really loved he's sister and would do anything to protect her though she looked different than others ,as her eyes shown different color ,one showing he's papa light grey while the other showed he's Dada's light gold,he couldn't help at times and just looked into her, as her eyes was showing the world to him he would protect this world in front of him as much as possible !

"What!!what has gege done that gege has to do a punishment gege is not bad !"the younger asked making puffy noises her face turning a bid red looked like she was a little angry yet the elder just smiled at her cuteness he just wanted to squish her red cheeks but cannot do so as he would make her more angry and doesn't want to make the younger angry at him he could help it though he's little sister was being cute!!.

"Don't worry about this gege,when this gege of yours is done ,I will take a-ying out"as soon as he said that the younger one changed and not soon her face sparkled and her eyes shown big making a'O' showing her two small teeth's her even cuter

"Yayyyyy yingying will go out with gege!!!"she said while jumping happily"
The other giggled at her moods changing she really is like there Didi when they are going somewhere "stop jumping your scaring the bunny's,come a-ying let me tie your hair"the younger one than sat Infront of her gege while he's tieing her hair into a small ponytail.

As soon as they were finish they heard a sweet voice calling them"A-Yuan , A-ying are you here!!!!"they realized is was there mama calling a-ying called as she stood up"mama where here!!"she said as she happily ran to the figure in front of them ,walking down the stairs "oh here you are my bunny's"the elder said while smiling a beautiful smile holding hes little sister while looking at him"A-Yuan let's go your punishment is over!!"the elder who was still sitting now stood up "greetings mother"he said while walking to he's mother smiling at him cheeckly.

"A-Yuan we've talking about this don't do such greetings with this one"A-Yuan couldn't help but smile at he's lovely mother ,he loved so dearly"still I don't like that old man punishing my son!!"while saying this while, pouting my sister looked at there mother and did the same"yeah!!that old man"she said while crossing her arms .

He couldn't help but laugh at them ,he's mother even though he's older but it doesn't show on he's face was pouting like a kid or that her sister was following her mother's steps he shook he's head still smiling and walked to the family that he lover wondering that she will be just like him"let's go mother"he said while looking at he's mother as he looked back smiling "let's go home my radish!!"

The family smiled looking at each other lovingly,the younger boy couldn't be happier than he already is,he didn't want anything to happen to he's family,he wants this family to live happily without any trouble and wants them to smile everyday no matter what he would want to protect them when he gets older and once to look after them even if he was older and was gonna take over the clan matter's in the future but shook the thought as it was a long way to go since he's still young but as he walked he looked up and saw another figure wearing white he recognized him right away

"father"than he bowed stoping when the elder said"Son"he smiled as he stood up and he's father then looked at he's mother with so much love in he's eyes since the day he saw them together they still showed how they love each other very much he then looked at he's family he's happy father,mother and younger sister smiling at each other while smiling back at him "let's go"he's father said keeping he's hand out

he once this to last and never end while he reached a step forward reaching the elder.

"Yeah let's go dad ,mother and sister!"



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