chapter 5-getting to know each other

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(I'm going to put povs of views but mixed since it's going to be mine or so but I'll change it from now and then)

A-lan pov

While we were on our way to gusu I had to explain to my friend since she doesn't know much about it while sizhui was walking in front of us while we walked at the back

A-yu asked "so what is gusu exactly??"

"Gusu is a place in the high mountains it said that it is the most beautiful place  with lakes ,lots of trees and the people there are well respected they even wear white long gions  and that ribbon he has around he's head they all wears them " I said

"Oh!!sounds like a nice place!!"she said happily while skipping

"So what do they do there anyway??"A-ming asked walking with both he's arms around he's head

"Well....just work and stuff they...."I looked at the elder who's walking in front of us making sure he's not looking nor hearing me I whispered "they have over 3000 rules"

"WHAT 3000 THOUSAND RULLES?!?!?!" A-ming screamed

"Shhhhh!!! And Yes they do"

"What why though it's like schoollll"A-yu whined

"Why did we come with him anyway!!" A-ming say while glaring at the person who's walking in front of us

'well because I trust him since he's there kid  but why would he want to bring kids that he just met to he's home???that's what got me confused '

"We'll just trust him cause I do and I kinda wanna see gusu in person!!-A-lan

"Mn!!can't wait though I hate rules"A-yu said looking down pouting

"I have to agree with you there!"

"But we not going to stay there for long ok!!"

" won't know maybe we'll stay there for the night?"

"Whatever but the rules!!!" A-ming said almost screaming my poor ears off

"Guess we got to follow them"I signed knowing some of the rules already

Sizhui POV

I couldn't help but to awe at these kids but what I didn't expect is to ask them to come with me home but they do seems lost so I just wanted to bring them while walking in front of them I couldn't go on my sword since they are here with me so we decided to walk on foot

I can hear what they were saying and talking about I couldn't help it but to ears drop on them though I know it's forbidden I smiled knowing the one named ' lan Yua wing 'knows gusu it even surprised me that her name was similar to mine but yua and that  her other friend named Mei ling Yu seems like a nice cheerful young girl but I don't think her other friend likes me that much which is Ming Wang chung since I can feel him glaring at me from behind
The way she called our clothes gions??what is that??I'll ask later.

But what surprised me more was when she said 'lan' and 'wing' that's why I wanted to take her along with her friends to find out more about them cause Maybe she could be her .

I blinked my eyes to not let my tears come down, this was not the time to let my feelings get to me ,but when we will arrive I will ask father if there is any other new clans  also to ask if there maybe was a new lan I looked up at the sky only to know that it was sundown I didn't want to come late and didn't want the kids to catch a cold I stoped, turned around.

"Shall we get a place to sleep in it's getting late"I said looking at them giving them a smile they looked at each other then nodded there heads seems like they trust me at least.I took them to the nearest iin paid a room for each of us.

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