Tag, You're It

570 21 33

*A few minutes ago*

Sunny stared out of the small window in his hospital room, watching the slow-moving traffic on the streets below. Just a few days ago the view would've terrified him, but now it was sort of calming. He's changed a lot in the past few days. He just wasn't sure of it was for better or worse.

"Penny for your thoughts," his mom said. Sunny took his gaze from the window and turned to her. She was smiling, but he knew she was worried.

"You'd be paying too much," he responded. His mom blinked at him, then laughed.

She had told him that Kel had visited him while he was asleep. He was surprised to hear this, and also disappointed that they hadn't woken him up. His mom assured him that Kel would come back tomorrow, and not to worry, and that everything was going to be okay. He wasn't sure if he believed that last part.

"Well, you look bored," Sunny's mom said. "Why don't you take a walk? The library's only a few floors down; go get a book or something."

"Alright," Sunny agreed. "But only patients are allowed in the library. I'll just grab a couple and come back."

"Bring me a murder mystery," Sunny's mom called as she left the room. Sunny gave her a quick thumbs-up as a sign that he heard her, suppressing a flinch.

He made it to the stairwell and began to walk down. His footsteps echoed loudly, and he found the sound relaxing. That is, until it was mixed with the noise of someone running up the stairs. He wondered why they were running, and why they didn't just take the elevator.

It didn't matter. Sunny only had a couple of floors left. He tapped his knuckle against the wall as he went down another flight, and turned the corner to go down the last one. He stopped completely. So did the runner.

Kel stood at the bottom of the flight. He was breathing heavily, and sweat made his hair stick to his temples. The sight of him made a smile spread on Sunny's face. Kel smiled back weakly, as if he wasn't even aware he was doing it. It looked so strange on Kel, who's smile was usually so confident and easy-going. Had something happened?

Sunny took a step towards him. He was just about to say Kel's name and ask him what's wrong, when Kel's eyes widened in fear.

"Sunny, watch out!" Kel yelled, and Sunny stopped, surprised and confused. It took a moment to register that Kel wasn't looking at him, but at something behind him. He turned, half expecting the Something to be there, staring at him with its one empty eye. What he saw was much, much worse.


It was clear he had been crying. His eyes, puffy and red, stared at Sunny with so much hatred Sunny took a step back. He tried to turn and run down the stairs, but Hero grabbed his arm, his grip hard enough to hurt.

"You did this to her," Hero hissed. "It's only fair that you feel what she felt. Just think of it as karma for a killer." With that, Hero shoved Sunny forward. Sunny stumbled, attempting to grab the banister, but missed. His heart leapt to his throat, and he shut his eyes tight.

Was this what Mari felt? This gut-wrenching feeling of falling, or gravity just taking her down until her body met the floor, and broke her? Was this what he did to her? Sunny held his breath, waiting for the blow that will take him away from this world and bring him to his sister.

It didn't come. But he wasn't falling anymore.

Sunny slowly opened his eyes and realized he had landed in someone's arms. And not just anyone's arms: Kel's. Sunny blushed, mortified, but Kel wasn't looking at him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kel yelled at Hero, who was still standing at the top of the stairwell.

Hero's eyes were cold as he stared down at his brother. "That's the question I should be asking you, Kel. Why do you do this?"

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