Now playing : LMYL - Jackson Wang

Jae-Hwa's POV

I walked down the streets of Seoul getting Judgmental stares from others. I turned the volume up on my Music to remind me it's normal to ignore it

Is what was helping me get through Another day full of stares in this city. They act like They've never seen a foreigner

For those of you wondering I'm mixed My father is Chinese and Korean and My mother is Just African American mixed with nothing. I was born in Oakland California and I visited LA a few times.

The Few years in Korea were pretty tough for me I had no one. And then It was hard making friends here it's not that I wasn't fluent in Korean I've been learning since I was about 8 or 7. And I learned Mandarin at 10. It was hard to make friends since I was raised in the states and Also I'm not as white or light skinned as them. I have pigmentation on my skin.

I opened the door to JYP entertainment I was glad I brought a hoodie the AC was no Joke. I came to see Twice since I heard they were having a comeback soon.

 I came to see Twice since I heard they were having a comeback soon

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(Just imagine it with a hoodie)

I walked up to the receptionist For my Card in order to go upstairs. I bowed to them and they bowed back before giving me my card I read my name on the Card

Hong Jae-hwa

I smiled to myself as I remembered my Dad I missed him here and there but I still kept contact with both of them As in my mom and Dad.

I clicked the Elevator button and waited As I looked around in Awe at the lights and designs of the building.

The Elevator dinged I stepped in and clicked the 9th floor and patiently waited. I stepped out the doors Just to be greeted with Twice's Manager running around like Crazy with papers in her hand. I stood there not knowing what to do.

"JAE-HWA" She yelled at me. Startled I stared at her with huge eyes

"I've been calling you like a thousand times how come you don't answer your phone?!" Technically screeched into my ear

"You haven't called me I have no missed calls" I said to her

"You were supposed to come into work today" She yelled at me

"No I wasn't I worked yesterday" I explained

"They switched your schedule you're not working with Twice anymore they switched you to Stray kids since the last makeup artist quit" She explained

"Oh I didn't know" I said in a small voice

"Well now you know get to it, 12th Floor room 12F" She said clicking the elevator button for me

"I-" she cut me off by giving me the materials I used to work with

The doors dinged I stepped in my material almost falling

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