Now playing: Born Singer - Bts

Jae-Hwa's POV

I felt my phone vibrate

Heri: Yah Pabo, bring grapes, tangerines, chips, triangular gimbap, and Meat on the way home

I frowned Heri can't just walk outside to the CU RIGHT across the street and buy it

Jae: You can't walk to the CU across the street? And do I look like I'm made out of money?

Heri: No, Not only is there some creepy man just staring at my window I'm too lazy to go downstairs and then walk right back up and Yes you are made out of money if you work at JYP's building

Jae: Then just draw the curtains? 💀

Heri: It's not like if I draw the curtains the man is just gonna disappear

Heri: Just buy it on your way home I'll send you the money which reminds me to ask you when are you coming home?

Jae: I don't know yet they switched me from Twice to Stray kids


Jae: Yeah and I didn't even know I had work today

Heri: Don't they have MAMA today?

Jae: Yup and could you guess who took on the duty of doing their makeup?

Heri: You

Jae : Yup, wonderful day to be a Makeup Artist at JYP 😍

Heri: Ikr must be nice for you BUT remember my request and tell me ALL the details when you get home

Heri: Also tell Felix I said Hi and I can cook like a chef cause I'm a 5 star Michelin 😏

Jae: you're so funny you could be a comedian some day wowww haha so funny 😐

Heri: The joke wasn't for you 💀

Jae: Fuck off and I'm not speaking to any of them since they act like they've never seen a black foreigner in their entire life 😍

Heri: Whatever I won't hold u for long just tell me the rest when you get home

Jae: Alright

Jae: And btw, Michelin's only go up to 3 stars 💀

I closed my phone and looked around it was nothing but Chaos

I've known Heri since 2nd grade I used to steal her Shinee stickers when she wasn't around and she would get mad and I would say "But I thought we were friends" and from there we got close she would come over my house I would go over to hers She was Korean, American and Chinese

"Jae-Hwa can you touch up on my makeup" I heard Hyunjin say I didn't know why it was Necessary to yell my name across the room but SUREEE

I stood standing to my feet walking over to him

"What is it you need" I asked

"When the hair stylist was spraying hair spray on my hair it sort of messed up my foundation Also could you please respond to when I call your name? Simple manners" He said

It took every nerve in me to not roll my eyes at him

I grabbed my beauty blender and started blending where I seen white around his hairline

"I think that's about it" I said

"No there's some over here too" He said I felt as if he was doing it on purpose to have my boobs in his face cause where he wanted me to blend I had to lean over and blend

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