Playing: Why'd you only call me when you're high - Artic Monkeys

Jae-Hwa's POV

I woke up to darkness outside My hair was messed up, My shirt was backwards, I was upside down on the bed, My mouth was dry as the Sahara Desert, And the blanket was messily laid on me

Wait something is off

My hair always gets messed up and if I'm wearing a tank top it'll come off or turn every which way since I'm a heavy sleeper

My mouth gets dry cause I either breath too much air or my mouth stays open

I thought long and hard about this one cause something was off just didn't know exactly what

Wait I don't remember putting a blanket on me before going to sleep and if I did it wouldn't be this messy

Who the hell put a blanket on me while I was sleeping?

And threw it on me as if it was nothing

I walked to the living room Heri was was in the kitchen cooking when she seen me she busted out laughing

"Wait I have to get a picture of this" She said as tears of joy filled up her eyes

Who knew I'd be ever be friends with this Japanese-Korean girl

"Where's Hyunjin?" I asked

"He left like 15 minutes ago" She said

"Mm... Anyways did you cover me with my blanket?" I said

"No" She said taking the picture of me

Let me let it go it's not even that big of a deal

Kakao Talk: [Jae-Hwaaa__] Hyun.e 🫶🏻
Hey rat 😊

I can never catch a break

I'm so exhausted and I just woke up

I don't have time for this boy he's so nerve wracking and irritating like a pimple that doesn't wanna pop

I opened the message
What do U want? Ur bothering me and I just woke up

I seen the bubbles pop up when someone is typing

Hyun.e 🫶🏻
I just wanna bother you, problem with that? 🙄

Yes, and I don't even know who unblocked you cause it sure wasn't me

Hyun.e 🫶🏻
Your bestie, Let's just say I bribed— Actually I made a deal with her using Felix against her :))

Tf did you do...

Hyun.e 🫶🏻
I gave her his secret Instagram account she'll definitely have a field day with that

I shot Heri a death glare she didn't even realize

Hyun.e 🫶🏻
Let's tell each other Naked Truths

Naked truths like what? What's on our mind or like the truth no sugar coating?

Hyun.e 🫶🏻
Anything it just has to do with a truth

Okay, I'll go first I still haven't had my first kiss it was a peck on the lips but I wouldn't consider it a kiss

I saw the bubbles appear quickly my heart was beating fast what was he gonna say I walked back to my room and stayed sort of under the sheets

Hyun.e 🫶🏻
Ofc you haven't you're a literal loser probably didn't have any friends in high school and sat alone at lunch

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