Now Playing: don't wanna break up again - Ariana Grande

Jae-Hwa's POV

We all packed in the car after filming and started driving back to the dormitory. I have no clue what I'm gonna do with this kid, I can't keep him cause I technically do not have legal custody of him. My phone vibrated in my pocket I lifted it to my face and it was Iseul's mom. Puzzled i opened it

Su-an1220: When are you available to take the belongings for the kid

The kid?? Bitch did you not give birth to him?!?! 😀

Hwaa💕: When is okay for you?? Cause I'm always free Saturday or Sundays after 14:30 though (2:30 pm)

Su-an1220: I can do the Sunday after thanksgiving at 16:30 (4:30 pm)

Hwaa💕: ok great 👍
Hwaa💕: are you sure there's no one to like come get him? Not even an aunt, grandma or dad? Cause I can't always take him since I have priorities of my own.

Su-an1220: I can check with my sister but his father unfortunately left his life at an early age he doesn't know that though

Hwaa💕: ok cool. check with your sister then get back to me. thanks.

I genuinely would love to keep Iseul but I can't with work, clubbing, and just being young I'm not ready for such responsibility. Having a kid means you have to give up so much of your life and I simply just don't want that yet.

We pulled up to the dormitory and I got out. I carried Iseul then put him down cause I was just as tired. It was now 11 pm and it was wayyy past my bedtime. I ordered an Uber instead of waving like a maniac for a taxi at this hour. And to my luck it wasn't much. I seen Hyunjin and he was waiting for me.

"Hey" I said groggily

"You leavin?" He asked

"Yeah it's pretty late and I can't stay in your dorm" I explained

"Mm I see, get home safe and goodnight" He said opening his arms for a hug I didn't blatantly decline the hug I just put my arm between us and then waved bye

Confused, He waved back. My Uber was here so I left and just plugged my headphones in and looked out the window

I had to start setting boundaries between us cause I think he's battling his own battles in his head and he can't get his priorities straight with what he wants. And to be so real I don't wanna get hurt so I gotta guard my heart.

I dozed off to the music playing and my head being on the window.

I woke up and I was infront of my house

I said my thanks to the driver and got out the car taking Iseul with me. I changed him into pyjamas and then hopped in the shower myself. The reason I didn't shower him was because it was late and I didn't want him to get a cold. I thought in the shower about just life and where I stood with Hyunjin.

We just met and I don't wanna rush into something I'm not ready for just because of Excitement and also he can't seem to understand his own feelings so I'm giving him the time and space to ruminate on his own feelings and what he classifies me as although we just met.

I got out the shower and changed into a pink victoria secret Pyjama set. I put lotion, deodorant and perfume on so I don't smell. Iseul was long gone in a deep sleep just as I was about to put my phone down and sleep as well.

My phone buzzed

Hyun.e 🫶🏻: what was that abt??

Hwaa💕: wdym?
Hwaa💕: The wave or the energy?

Hyun.e 🫶🏻: Yeah, both

Hwaa💕: Well idk we're just friends?? I was doing what friends do.
Hwaa💕: we're friends right?

I didn't see the typing bubbles for a minute and I almost shut off my phone till I Seen

Hyun.e 🫶🏻: yeah you're right. Night Jae-Hwa

Hwaa💕: night

I'm pretty grateful my holiday starts now cause it's gonna be awkward seeing him at the studio. I got a week off in general because of holidays but I took one extra week off when I was working with twice so I'm guessing it still carried on with me.

I don't know what to say or do, if he's mad that's his problem tbh I'm so tired I'm not even thinking straight but all Ik is that today and the time he wasn't sober just rubbed me the wrong way so I also need time to ruminate on this. Let's see in 2 weeks what goes wrong and what goes right.

I fell asleep to music playing softly in the background specifically Ariana Grande.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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