Jae-Hwa's POV
"So not only is the manager fucking racist he tries to get me fired" I exclaimed

"Mhm" Heri said yawning for the thousandth time

"And then once I walk in everyone is staring at me like they never seen a foreigner that's when my Fucking Introvertedness started kicking me in the ass" I said

"That's not a word" Heri said

"I could care less you understand what I mean" I fired at her

"And then the only person that actually seems like he'll warm up to me is Bangchan" I said shoving a piece of Avocado toast in my mouth

"You do realize it's 4 AM right?" Heri said

"Mhm" I responded

"And you're screaming at the top of your lungs while I have work at 8 in the morning" Heri said

"Oops" I said

"I'm going to sleep" She said making herself comfortable on the couch

I got a message from an unknown number I opened it and it was my schedule from now on

There's Kcon in January? I thought they only do that in summer

I felt happy on the inside maybe I'll finally see my family after 3 almost 4 years

It was now November so 2 months from now

I missed my parents like a whole lot at times when I was by myself and I had no one I tend to get homesick but since Heri moved here she made me forget about all that she made me smile a whole lot more

I'll just mark everything on the calendar tomorrow I'm tired I brushed my teeth since I already showered I was fine

I laid down in bed

I stared at the ceiling out of nowhere it came to me when Hyunjin was feeding me it felt like such a heart warming moment

When a girl doesn't wanna eat so her boyfriend feeds her food since she won't eat

It warmed my heart I closed my eyes and I forgot anything that Happened after that cause I was knocked out


"Annyeonghasayo" Heri said looking above me while I sleep

Startled I moved away

"Are you crazy?" I asked

"I've been told but no" She said

"I'm just mentally unstable"  She added

"I think I know that by now" I said

"Wake up you have work to do" I started at Heri she had her work clothes on

"What time is it?" I asked

"8:30 in the morning" She said cheery

"And you're this hyped?" I asked

"Mhm now chop chop you have to clean the house since it's the Sunday now" She said clapping her hands

"Get out" I said Covering myself with the blanket

The blanket was soon yanked off me

"Go to work" I said pushing her out my room

"You better clean" She yelled on the way out


I ended up cleaning and stop being lazy I got a text on my phone

Unknown: Sweetheart we need you to come in on Tuesday

I frowned I was so lost as to who this is

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