Milk Drinkers

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Bible Principles... When you miss learning certain spiritual KEYS, you will start to fight what YOU haven't been able to unlock. Some power gifts only operate "As the Holy Spirit wills..." Others we can operate by His will because He has told us exactly what to do. BE CAREFUL what you try to teach or fight that you don't know. You may have a partial key and not the full spiritual revelation of a matter.

There is BREAD in the Word and then there are those who deal in the MEAT of the word of God. Most people toss around crusts of breadcrumbs... The MEAT of God makes you humble not arrogant. Babies can't process or even chew enough on the meat of God. They try to just swallow what they are not ready for or even capable of digesting.  Henceforth we see the Apostle Paul dealing with the Corinthian Church. He says, I should be able to give you the MEAT of the Word by now... But I come back and find I still have to give you milk. I can't even give you the weightier matters or things of the spirit because you are still carnal (fleshly and having baby fights... walking like unbelievers) For as you grow in this spirit life and in the revelations of God's TRUTHS, we should become changed beings. Not carnal or earth bound but spiritual, heavenly, godly minded and ruling from the place Christ said to operate from.

Here is a key we were given: "I have given you power over all of the powers of the enemy..."  We are to operate from a place of power and authority over the enemies of Christ and His people. The magnitude and power of God that He has given us to operate in is only spiritually revealed. When one has seen and experienced the depths and powers of God, you have no need to strive with the ones who have not seen or heard. Consider them MILK DRINKERS. Without strife and arguing let them drink milk and eat crumbs if it so pleases them.

Mankind did not want what Jesus came to bring us. They wanted to hold on to the laws of the Pharisees/Sadducees and some continue to this day to eat their bread and milk. Jesus said, "Behold I have the KEYS!" Don't you think it's about time to get some more keys of truth operating in your life? I can only imagine even at my age how much spiritually we don't really know... But I am excited, and I truly plan on finding out... There are many Keys to the Kingdom, and they are critical and needed principles in this walk.

We need to Win the warfare!
Some Saints have fallen into the mode of the less said about the devil the better.  I believe this to be an extreme error. Satan would like to keep God's people in ignorance about his devices, plots and plans. Ignoring him does not make him go away. Isn't there a scripture that talks about rejecting knowledge? Yes! "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6.

The number one thing a professional boxer does is to study his opponent.
He can tell you exactly which way his opponent will hit, and which way he seldom hits because he has not perfected that move .........on you!
Some of you the devil knows exactly what you are going to do.

An Army General will study military tactics, you have to have a backup plan.
Some forces require prayer and fasting.
Satan has Christians overlooking him as being their Prime Contender, their Worst and Most Real Opponent.

You must bind up the strong man in order to foil his plots.
Stop him in his tracks with the Word of God.
Think about it!

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