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Last week God highlighted (1) bottle of water to me... it is a test!
He said, "Some people have figured out how to do everything they need to do hygienically with this (1) bottle. They wash, brush and clean with what they have.... and they are in peace." The mission field is not just going to church to sit on the pew all pretty and ready for a few hours of CHURCH SERVICE.

Should you REALLY have a calling upon your life and found yourself on a REAL MISSION FIELD what would be the honesty of your heart?

Could you possibly be too comfortable to be OBEDIENT? Could you possibly be unthankful? Could you possibly have too much and could benefit spiritually from a deep cut back? Wow!!!

You would really be in tears then when God starts allowing you to be cut back to CORRECT you. The chastisement of the Lord is the correcting of His children, and it feels grievous (terrible). Hebrews Chapter:12

WILL YOU start your cursing and swearing at God because now you are sweating a bit?  Oh, I'll just blame the no-good God!!! Will your deceived hearts content truly be revealed? Why not ask yourself... Can I pass Basic Training for Reigning?

Have you given those LUSTS to the Lord and asked Him to TAKE THEM AWAY? No, you haven't asked Him... you are satisfied with the passive truths being poured down your throats that everything you say and do is okay with God.

The reason I know is because the Lord I serve is capable, competent and fully able to take those things away...

Why be stripped back to the (1) bottle when you can live honestly like God commanded you without excuses for your flesh. Stop feeding the beast and set aside everything that is bringing death to you and those surrounding you.

Learn to live in the peace of God. What is that peace? If you have (1) bottle you are thankful and if you have (1) million bottles you are thankful.

Do the bottle test on yourself ... Please get an answer.

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