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A Prayer!

"When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him."Isaiah 59:19 My soul is satisfied in the Lord of Host. He is my refuge, He is my strength, He is the joy that sustains my life. In His hand times and seasons are established. He is righteous and in justice He rules upon all there is. I see the Lord Most High, exalted upon His enemies and the eyes of captives open to behold the Truth that sets them free and the Way to the Father.

The blood of many saints who did not retreat, cries out unto the Lord. The blood speaks before Him of the love of His Son, in obedience and trust. Christ in them is still before the Father silently echoing: "Father the hour has come, glorify Your Son, that Your Son may also glorify you..." (John 17:1)

We are before Him and His eyes are set on those who fear Him. His heart is attentive to their cries and His ears to their words. The Lord of Host has arrayed Himself for battle. Open your spiritual eyes and behold Him. He speaks and who listens? He utters judgment and who can stand? A little while longer until His enemies are brought at His footstool. "Ask from Me the nations" He has said...

"Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling" (Psalm 2:11) Do not be afraid but request the nations for His glory. The Lord He is long suffering and gracious, He is Lord of our lives, let Him be also Lord of our death, so that He may choose and ordain our steps until we see Him as He is. Refrain nothing from Him, He is your Lord. Ask to be preserved unto His glory. Trust Him and your trust will be justified in the day of His power. And I tell you, it will not take long to see the fruit. "Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish in the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him." Psalm 2:12

He is our rock and our fortress, therefore for His name's sake He will lead us and guide us. Trust Him for His ways are eternal to deliver and what He establishes is not removed. From the foundations of the earth, He set His throne in justice. He is not indifferent to the sorrows of His little ones. The blood of the righteous cries for justice and mercy, the Lord hears. He arrays His arm for battle and shakes the foundations of the kingdoms. He measures their times and puts terms and limits to their exploits.

I see harvests past and the final harvest. I see the early rain and the latter rain. The knowledge of the Lord covers the earth. What kind of knowledge is it? Knowledge of the Most High, of the intentions and purposes of your heart. No more will man wonder what is in the mind of the Lord because the mind of Christ in them shall lead them to plunder the world and bring the kingdoms of this earth at your footstool.

I see there will be no more fear upon the heart of men, because death will be swallowed in Your glory. Oh, the blood of Your saints, is it not holy unto You? Is it not precious unto You? In one day, in one day He will raise unto Himself a powerful nation from the rejects of this world. In that day they will shine with His glory. Because of the blood of the martyrs that covered the ground, He was moved from His throne to outpour the knowledge of Him and His glory upon the whole earth. Because You do make a difference between the death of a sinner and the death of those who are holy unto You.

As in the times of old, the harvest will be watered with the blood of those who stand obedient unto You, with trusting hearts, not loving their lives but Your word above all, holding unto You. In the midst of trials and persecution this nation will turn her eyes unto You and You will extend to cover her under Your wings. You are God, a God of Mercy who shows mercy unto those You choose to show mercy. Yours are the times and the seasons. What is life of man but a breath, a puff of air loaned from You for a while. To You it returns and then eternity is revealed. Blessed is those whom You call to partake of the harvesting, but blessed are those who have watered the fields with their own lives. For in the mysteries of The Eternal One, they have been given to partake of the joy of their Savior when He looked and saw the fruit of His travail. Blessed is those chosen to look into Your glory and be changed forever.

I pray Father for those that struggle with confusion and despair. Do not let one be lost, but by Your power and the unction of Your Holy Spirit, show grace and mercy and deliver them from the trap of the fowler. Cause them to inherit the faith of those before them and be strengthened against despair, against depression, against losing hope, against fear. But let the heart of Christ be in them even stronger than it was in those before them.

Remember, Father, it is not by might or by power, but by Your Spirit. Cause all things to be made new, and in the newness of the Spirit upon them, let them reveal Your glory, unfolding it, revealing it, as better than what it was before. Because You have said that the latter glory of this house, your house, would be greater than the first one. And here is at hand the latter glory to be revealed unto mankind. Many have longed to look upon it, but it has been reserved for those You have chosen to bear witness of You before the ages.

Be strength and comfort to Your little flock. Let them know that the good pleasure of Your heart is upon them. Be strength in them in the day that highway shall be revealed before the nations. The way You have revealed in those You have refined like gold to reflect Your glory. And there shall be the revelation of that road, nothing will be allowed to hinder their walk in You, like Isaiah prophesied, because the Lord Himself has become their way.

"A highway shall be there and a road, and it shall be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean shall not pass over it but shall be for others. Whoever walks the road, although a fool, shall not go astray. No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast go upon it; it shall not be found there. But the redeemed shall walk there, and the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing. With everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.
Isaiah 35:8-10

Oh Father, be the voice crying from behind and leading them so that they won't go astray. But kept in Your will, they be preserved for glory and for a testimony of Your faithfulness unto those that were before them, that none of their sufferings were in vain. Do not allow the reward of those who serve You, to be plundered by the enemy but bring Your enemy down and rule upon him with a rod of iron until You crush him forever as You have promised my Lord.

Deliver unto You those souls destined for salvation, open the prison doors and set the captives free. That there may be upon the land a cry of glory and deliverance when the light of the gospel is revealed unto them. Call those that You have chosen and allow nothing to hinder them come to You. For every believer that has been tormented, persecuted, killed because of their faith in You, let their suffering in Christ set those in darkness free to follow You. "Father the hour has come, glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him." (John 17:1-2)

In this hour where darkness covers the hearts of men and clouds their understanding. Now that the enemy has risen against You and has charged against us like a flood, Arise Oh Lord and lift the standard of salvation upon them, as You did with Saul of Tarsus. Let them come to the knowledge of You and be saved, justify the suffering of those who have been slain by Your enemy in his vain resolve to keep his prisoners captives. We ask from You, pull down the stronghold we bind up the Strong man in our midst, deliver our souls for Your name's sake.

"So, they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun; when the enemy comes in like a flood,
the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him." Isaiah 59:19

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