where we can coexist

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Chapter 14
[Song - Jupiter by Flower Face]


I STOOD AT the bartending section, taste-testing the fancy drink that was in the grip of my hand. The bartender claimed it was a spinoff of a normal martini, but I didn't know the difference. I didn't know that much about drinks, anyway. I simply took something, hoping it would make me feel better.

Aaron stood some distance behind me, finishing up some dark-coloured liquid in a whiskey glass. Maybe it was whiskey, who knows?

"Does that taste good?" I asked out of curiosity as he put the glass on the counter.

"Liquor isn't really meant to taste good. But, I like it."

I nodded because I had nothing to say. Maybe it was because all that roamed my mind was what possessed me to get all vulnerable with Aaron. It was not like we were a thing, so I didn't get why I did it.

The blood-pumping machine in my chest thumped even harder when he ran his hand through his hair and turned to face me.

"You want to go for a drive or something?"

"Umm...I have this to finish." I swallowed. "I want to savour the taste, you know?"

I didn't want to savour the taste. I wanted to chug that drink down, and then ask the bartender for something stronger. I was afraid of what I might do when Aaron was right in front of me while I was sober. So maybe if I was drunk, I could blame whatever hormonal act I do on the alcohol. Work smarter, not harder!

"I'm done. You can start walking. I'm right behind you." I said, giving a smile with no teeth.

"Don't worry, I'll wait."

I turned and put the glass on the counter, rolling my eyes. Why did Aaron have to be obstructing my plan? It was imperative that I drank away the feelings that were resurfacing. I was so scared of what I might do or say. This was why I didn't get vulnerable with others. Being vulnerable can lead you to get hurt. Who knew if he would hurt me again?

"Let's go walk and feel the fresh air," I said as I led the way.

After around one minute of walking in silence to the outside of the beach, Vanessa stopped us and begged us to come to where the others were. With this spin of events, I got ready to meet the question-asking and minding people's business cliques. I really just wanted to go home and gather myself. Or...maybe it was the liquor talking right now.

"Look who I found!" Vanessa shouted, while the others, including Chaitra, adjusted to face us.

"Tayla, are you having fun over there with your lover boy?"

"Umm...he's not my lover or my boy." I laughed awkwardly. I needed to run while the opportunity stood. I knew Chaitra would say something messed up while these people stood around. While the person, Aaron, the subject of the story, stood to the left of my figure.

"Oh! Is this the Aaron guy you were talking about in the car, Vanessa?" Zoe threw the question out.

"YES," she said sternly. It felt like a drunkard surrounded me. "Aaron, this is Zoe and this is Daya. You already know Chai. I'll introduce you to the others when they come back."

"Nice to meet you both. I hope you're enjoying yourselves."

"We sure are," Zoe said while Daya added a pleasant smile. "Are you single, by any chance? You're quite good-looking like they said."


"I already asked Tayla if it was fine to inquire about you. She wished me good luck."

"She did?" He said. Then he turned to me. "You did?"

That Summer In LockleyWhere stories live. Discover now