remind me of all those hurtful things

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Chapter 4 - Remind Me of All Those Hurtful Things
[Song - From Me, the Moon by Lav]


I ARRIVED at my house when the sky slowly turned into an orange hue—a perfect colour for drawing fall foliage falling from trees or vibrant spring flowers. Aaron dropped me off on the sidewalk of my house without the help of my directions, which was quite interesting. The car ride home bore interest also—we got in the car and buckled our seat belts, saying nothing until I reached my stop.

As a result, it took me aback when he told me to have a "good evening". The audacity he possessed blew my mind. After all that arguing and mindless flirtation, he expected me to have a good evening. If he stayed in Lockley this entire summer, as I would, I know good evenings, mornings, and nights were something I would not have. Good days will be foreign to me as long as I thought of him. This was the state I so desperately wanted to outmanoeuvre.

When I entered my house, the scent of fried chicken and spicy seasoning met my nostrils

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When I entered my house, the scent of fried chicken and spicy seasoning met my nostrils. I took a few steps and saw my father and fifteen-year-old brother seated on the sofa, watching television.

"Mommy, Tayla is finally back!" My brother shouted while I shot him the deadliest look. Mom would call for me any second, and it wasn't a good time.

"Tayla, come help me with dinner!" The voice I dreaded called out. I rolled my eyes and released a deep sigh. It was instances such as this that caused me to stay in Cleavemount even after my scholastic pursuits halted. I took a few half-hearted steps and entered the kitchen, then slumped against the kitchen wall with my tote bag still on my shoulder.

"Why are you back so late?" My mother asked, her relaxed hair tied in a knot on the top of her head while she stood at the stove.

"Umm...I went to get ice cream."

"Alone? Or did you go with Chaitra?"

"Well, I got ice cream!" I exclaimed and lifted my hands. "I haven't gone over to the bakery yet. What do you want me to help with?"

"Peeling potatoes, they're over there."

I moved over to where she pointed as the words left her mouth, hoping she did not ask me any further questions. I took the basin with the potatoes and walked off—on my way to my room.

"Was it with Aaron? I wasn't born yesterday, you know?"

I moved my mouth, but no words exited.

"His mother told me he was back today when I went to buy those potatoes you're now holding."

"That's nice."

"I thought you said would not talk to him again though." She said as I rubbed my forehead and tightened my grip on the basin. My mother faced the stove as she talked but even so, the critiques stung just the same.

"We just caught up over ice cream, nothing more."

"Okay then." She stated, but I felt she didn't believe me.

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