Chapter 14

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Troye's POV

I can't open my eyes. They feel swollen shut. I can hear the beeping of the monitors as they break the surrounding silence in the room. I know I'm alive and breathing, but what day is it? What time is it? Is Tyler alright? For a minute, I stop breathing and listen for traces of other sounds in the room. The beeping made it nearly impossible. Suddenly, heavy breathing enters my eardrums as I try to distinguish the person making the noise.

The breathing noise gets heavier and closer to my face, and I stiffen. I don't know why, I just do. I can't figure out who it is, which is probably why I'm so scared about who is breathing next to me. I hear a sigh, and I relax. Tyler. Of course it's Tyler.

"Are you alright, Troye My Boy?" he asked. He stole that from Korey. God, Tyler, why, just why.

I nod and smile through the tube, which is still lodged down my esophagus. I moan, trying to get at least one word out. I keep moaning, making different pitches, and noises, with the mouth space I have. My tongue is stuck off to the right side of my mouth, and my teeth are hurting from being forced to bite down on it.

I feel an extra body rest on my bed, the left side where my leg is, staying afloat the sinking bed around it. Tyler didn't seem to understand what I said.

A doctor came in, told a few words to Tyler, and forced my eyes open. I couldn't see very well, without glasses or contacts, I was nothing with sight. All I saw were fingers, light, and blonde hair. Well, I saw something that was a darkish yellow. I feel a hand adjusting the tube that is imparing my speech, and with a weak arm muscle, I bat the hand keeping my eyes open away. I shut my swollen eyes quickly, wincing at the pain that it brought to my eyelids. The hand tries to open my eyes again, but I forcefully keep them closed, to avoid any of the pain I am about to witness. I, again, feel the tube moving inside my chest, as it snakes up and out of my mouth. I cough, feeling relief as I heavily breathe and feel my mouth close.

I completely lost control of my mouth. I could open it, but I didn't have the strength yet to close it. I would snap my fingers, signaling for Tyler to close my mouth. I could say a few words, just enough to make a small conversation.

"T-tiiiiiiilllllerrrrrr," I said, trying to make out words out of my weak and uncontrollable mouth. "C-commmmee heeeere." My mouth remains open, though, for yet, again, I have no power to close it.

"What is it, Troyler?" he asked, meaning he was asking the both of us.

"Ooooooppeen mmiiiii eeyyyyes, Tiiiiiiler." I felt my eyes being pried open, and there, staring at my eyes, a face with a large smile covering it. In his eyes were looks of utter concern.


Heeeeeyyyyyy. THE BIG 700 HAS CROSSED OUR PATH! Whoppee!!! I'm so grateful for all of you. <3 But anyway, I have some things to say this time, and it may take a paragraph or two to get my words out.

This past week, school has gotten really stressful for me and my grades in English/Literature are dropping, and for a progress grade, I got a C, which I've never gotten on a progress report, so I'm really rattled and upset and afraid my parents are going to murder me.

My teachers are stressing me out and I just want to leave the school and go to homeschooling. I know that won't happen because "school is a social and challenging experience for you." as my mom would say. She doesn't get it though. So, for right now, I'm going to focus on my studies and I may or may not update next week because of that. I'm really sorry, but I'm too stressed out and depressed.

Until next time!


Ok, see you next week? Maybe? Two weeks? Nevermind. Bye!!!

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