Three {Come At Me}

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"Why are they even wearing anything when you can practically see everything?" Ian commented from the driver's side, eyes trailing after a girl in a bikini. There was a piece of pink cloth about the size of my palm covering her southern region, and nothing but a long string that slid between her cheeks in the back. The top wasn't much better, but still thankfully covered her nipples, though it revealed a lot of her perfect side boobs.

"That's kind of a slut-shamey comment, Ian." I pointed out, but I had to agree. Even half the men here were wearing nothing more than swim trunks hanging low off their abdomen's.

I glanced over at my best friend to find him staring down at his white button down and jeans, then looking at the shirtless men crossing the street in front of him. It was no secret Katie Johnson had a nice pool out back and most of our classmates took advantage of it every year.

"Here." I unbuckled my seat belt and undid the top three buttons on his shirt with a wink. "Now you'll fit in fine. Peer pressure at it's finest, my friend."

I knew deep down Ian couldn't see passed the lanky dork he'd been five years ago. That anytime he passed the mirror, that's who he saw, not the extremely toned and muscular handsome man he'd grown into, and that in itself shattered my heart into millions of pieces.

Before I could reach for the handle, Ian slipped out the driver's side and walked around the car to open my door for me. I smiled, taking his outstretched hand and stepping out, nearly breaking my ankle in the process. He fell into an obnoxious fit of laughter as he helped steady me and shut his door. Thankfully he carried most of my weight up to the house, throwing his hand with his car keys over his head and locking the car behind us. By the time we reached the open door, my feet had been through enough and I unstrapped them, holding them in my hand.

"I knew you wouldn't last an hour in them." Ian poked my cheek. "You stay beside me at all times, understand?"

I waved him off dismissively as we entered the kitchen. Ian was immediately greeted by a few jocks and gave me a warning look before crossing the room to give them a weird man hug. Though Ian had never been "popular" he still kind of knew everybody. He'd always said it was because of me, because I knew close to everyone in school. It hadn't been something I actively tried to do, I never wanted to be popular, but people just kind of approached me. I didn't wear tight shirts with cleavage or pants that showed anything off, I wore the opposite if anything. When I wasn't at my dance studio or at a party, nobody would find me in anything but old band tees and leggings. Partially because I couldn't afford to get all the designer shit all the other girls in school seemed to be wearing, and partially because I was too busy to draw unwanted attention to myself. I knew if I wore the clothes that all the gorgeous girls in my school did, I'd get just as much attention as they did.

"Char, come here!" Ian waved me over. I groaned a little and approached the jocks and my best friend with a small wave. All three pairs of eyes raked my body, eyes widening as if they were coming to the realization I was a woman.

"Damn, Evans." One of the football players met my eyes. "You clean up nice."

Ian then grabbed a guy that had been camouflaged so well with the three jocks I hadn't even seen him. I could feel my eyebrows drawing in confusion seeing Ian's body language. He was acting as if he'd known this guy forever, and I'd never seen him in my life.

The boy, a mess of blonde curls and piercing green eyes, only stared at me in shock.

"What?" I asked, then turned to my best friend. "Is there something on my face?"

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