Twenty-Seven {The Sun Will Set For You}

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I stretched my arm out and touched the cold, empty side of the bed beside me.

My fingers trembled as I tried to clutch the slick fabric between them, resulting in it just falling back into place. I'd spent the last thirteen years of my life on this bed, with Ian staring right back at me with playful expressions that'd make me laugh despite all the crap going on in my life. This was the same bed I'd laid in for days, refusing to force myself out of it for days after my father's abandonment.

There was a coldness in the room now, one that had been subtly entering it over the last few months until it'd taken full residency in where Ian's body used to lay tangled in my own. It'd been a week since his death, but I still couldn't fully accept that he was gone. Even with having watched the life slip from his eyes in my arms, I kept thinking he'd make a reappearance and apologize for pulling such a sick, warped prank on all of us.

I knew that today would change that mindset. I would finally have to watch a pastor stand and say a bunch of crap from the book between his hands before watching the lifeless, cold body of my best friend being lowered into the ground.

"Charlotte, mija." Mrs. Cruz quiet, hoarse voice broke through the eerie silent room as she broke passed the threshold. "It's time to leave, mi amor."

I sat upright, clutching a pillow against my chest and staring at her. "He's not gone. He's going to walk through that door laughing at any second."

The little bit of optimism that had been holding her steady moments before drained and she sat on the bed beside me, resting a had on my back and rubbing it soothingly. "I know it's hard to imagine, mija, that he's not coming back. But he's in a better place. My baby isn't suffering anymore."

I stared at her, wanting desperately to believe her words, but I couldn't. We both stared at one another, her had still on my back as Mr. Cruz stepped into the room, face an unreadable mask as he looked between the two of us. Finally he reached down and helped his wife to her feet and says, "Come on, we better get going. We have to be there an hour early."


It wasn't long after we arrived that people started filing into the church for the service. I watched in silence as I set a table with beverages as people filled the pews. At least half of the school was here, and most of them had never uttered a word to Ian before. I knew the only reason they were even coming was because the story had made the headline on the news and they were here to say they were. It made my stomach twist in disgust.

Once I finished setting the table, I headed for the pews, I was intercepted by Savannah, her hair in a tangled messy bun and face a blotchy mess as she stared at me. I couldn't judge her appearance, I was sure I didn't look much better.

"Charlotte, I'm so sorry, I—"

"I don't want to hear it." I snapped before she could finish. "Please just leave me the hell alone, Savannah."

Before she can respond, I brushed passed her and headed for my family in the front pew. I lowered myself between Lucas and Christopher, leaning into my little brother's shoulder to keep myself together. I felt Luke's fingers find mine on my lap and he laced them through and gave my hand a tight squeeze. I refused to look his way, knowing his worried bloodshot eyes would end the little composure I had. Navi squirmed on his lap and crawled on to mine, burying her head against my chest. I bit down on my bottom lip to keep it from trembling as she lifted her head slightly and looked up at me. She was a mess; eyes red, puffy, and as bloodshot as my own. Her cheeks flushed and blotchy from hours of crying. The hem of the little black dress she was wearing was even covered in snot but I couldn't bring myself to wipe it.

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