Twelve {Call Out My Name}

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"Careful, Char, you're going to trip over your own foot."

I couldn't decide if I liked having Ian at my dance class or not, but he seemed genuinely amused by my lack of focus. He was sitting in a gray fold up chair against the wall, arms crossed tightly over his chest and eyes following me with amusement. Amelia was on the other side of the room with the younger girls in the class, explaining something to them so intently none of them even budged.

"Shut it." I barked, straightening myself as I tossed my ballet slippers into my duffel bag, somewhere at the bottom of the bag and I was too exhausted to dig for them. "Dad somehow managed to talk them into letting Mom out again. I guess money is superior to her mental health. God forbid he care about the health and safety of his children."

Ian grimaced, eyes darkening hearing the words. My father was the CEO of his own company and his new family were the stars of every billboard broadcasting his name. If word got out he wasn't fully divorced from his mentally ill ex-wife and had four other kids, his perfect image would be damaged.

"Charlotte!" Amelia's squeak broke Ian and I out of our anger driven daze. Her eyes flickered from me to Ian perched in the uncomfortable chair. "Is there any possibility you dance too?"

Ian's cheeks flushed at the question, but he answered with a curt nod. He didn't dance, not really, unless I asked him. He had been helping me with routines since we were kids, so he had enough knowledge to not trip over his own foot.

"I was wondering if you and. . ." Amelia trailed off, hoping Ian would introduce himself.

"Ian." I saw shock brighten her eyes. Ian had always been just a name to her, now she was able to see him in the flesh.

"Well, I was wondering if you and Ian could possibly demonstrate ballroom for the girls? They've been begging since they saw Ian come in with you."

I started laughing at the look that crossed Ian's face. He caved as soon as one of the youngest girls in the class, probably no older than Navi, looked up at him with big puppy dog eyes and a pouted lip. He intertwined his fingers through mine and pulled me to the middle of the room, positioning us as I tried everything in my power to not burst out laughing.

"I hate you." He huffed under his breath, but he was smiling.

"You love me." I rested one of my hands on his shoulder. "You know, you were shorter than me the last time we danced like this."

He snorted. "I don't know what you're talking about."

As Amelia tried to settle the girls, Ian managed to get a few more words in. "Savannah asked me out."

"I'm aware." I replied, still amused. "So what'd you say?"

"I didn't say. I didn't know what to say." He mumbled. "She's Savannah Hewitt, she's the cheer captain. What the hell would she see in someone like me?"

I caught Amelia leaning down to start the music out of the corner of my eye as I responded. "You've always been like this, Ian. You underestimate yourself in every regard. You're a great guy, and you're good looking. Even better, you don't know it. Girls love that."

All playfulness was gone as soon as the music started, but Ian still remained in his head through half the routine. I'd danced with Ian my entire life, but something was different, and I couldn't help but blame Bryan for it. The closer Ian grew through the dance, the louder the words Bryan had said to me in the car a few days ago got. As Ian spun me and the music drew to a close and he closed the gap between us, his lips brushed against mine. Despite us both trying to catch our breaths, the intensity didn't break. For a fraction of a second Bryan's words got to me and I thought for sure Ian was going to kiss me, but a round of applause and a chorus of little girl squeals startled him enough to tear himself away. He excused himself to the bathroom, waving at Amelia and the girls, before disappearing out of the room.

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