Twenty-Five {Starry-Eyed}

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The second we pulled into the parking spot in the parking lot of my little brother's elementary school I was out the door. To my surprise, Bryan followed me and we slipped into the auditorium in the nick of time. I immediately spotted my blonde siblings in the midst of the crowded room. As soon as I approached, Lucas yanked me forward and into his arms.

"Please don't do that again." he whispered into my ear so the kids couldn't hear. "I was worried, Charlie."

I pulled away and brushed a strand of hair out of his eyes, "Don't worry about me, Luke. That's my job. I do all the worrying."

He looked ready to protest against the statement, but William's excited cry startled both of us and we whirled around to find him grinning up at Bryan.

"Bryan!" he hugged the taller boy's legs. "You came!"

"Of course I did, little man." he said with ruffling of William's hair. "I want to be able to say I knew the next Einstein when he was a kid."

I smiled at that, fighting the urge to touch a hand to my chest over it. I caught Mrs. Cruz gaze over Bryan's shoulder and slipped away before Luke or Bryan could question my whereabouts. She was standing with her phone in her hand, lines of worry on her forehead and around her eyes.

"Are you okay?" I asked, touching my fingers to her forearm. "What's wrong?"

She breathes out shakily and says, "It's Sebastian. He's been acting out so much lately and we haven't heard from him in almost two days. I'm just worried, mija."

I closed the distance between us and hugged the frail older woman against me, and it took a lot of my willpower not to join in her sobbing when I felt her warm tears soaking my shoulder.

"He's fine. He's okay." I reassured her softly. "He always is."

She stayed against my shoulder for a few seconds longer before sniffling and dabbing at her eyes and thanking me softly. She started back toward my brothers and sister, and after a quick look over my shoulder and followed in her footsteps. As I approached, William grabbed my hand and led me over to his project. It was a huge model of the moon with four little figures on top of it surrounding a tiny American flag. There was a whole diagram and a bunch of science and math jargon behind it, but everyone's focused remained on the amazing moon and clay figures my ten year old brother had done all on his own.

"What's up with the astronauts?" Luke asked before I could. "Why is there four of them?"

Nothing could have prepared me for the way my heart ached and the tears that finally escaped and rolled silently down my cheeks hearing his response.

"It's us. Navi, Charlie, you, and me. Because when I go to the moon, I'm taking you guys with me."


Bryan and I finally parted ways after the Science fair. I picked up the van from Mrs. Cruz's and because of her current state, I knew it'd be in everyone's best interest that I give her some space. Unfortunately, this meant that they the only place for them to go was Christopher's. William was still lost in his euphoric daze and was momentarily unphased by the fact that they were spending the next couple days with Dad, and Navi didn't know how to feel one way or the other. Luke, however, had been given me the silent treatment for the entire twenty minute ride.

"Why do I have to stay? Why can't I go with you?" he'd asked as soon as I let him in on where we were going.

"Because I don't know where I'm going tonight, Luke." I had answered. "And I already told you to stop letting what he did to me cloud your judgement. Maybe he deserves the chance to proof himself."

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