iv. hart

377 45 82


The first thing I notice when I open my eyes is the white metal ceiling, which certainly isn't my apartment's. For a moment, I am dazed. I don't know where I am or why I am here, lying in a bed.

I remember waking up feeling unwell this morning. I called in sick to work, explaining that I had a terrible headache. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. I indeed felt like there was something heavy on my head, but it's an everyday occurrence for me.

I usually sleep very late at night after reading books, watching movies, or doing anything. And then I'd always wake up, experiencing the consequence of my lack of sleep. I don't consider it a big deal, which is why I never sought professional help for my condition and never told anyone about it. Not that I have anyone to tell it to.

The everyday headache never stopped me from going to work before. After all, it would eventually disappear throughout the day. This morning could have been the same, except that when I woke up, I didn't feel like doing anything at all. I was too lazy to get out of bed, feeling like staying asleep for the whole day. That was why I had to excuse myself from work.

And then I recalled the message I sent to Aziel last night that we're supposed to be talking about the report he asked me to look at. I felt guilty for not keeping my word to him, so, in the end, I decided to go to work in the afternoon and meet him.

Aziel. I sit bolt upright in bed as I think about him. That's right. I was with him earlier, and then...


I remember everything now, like how I was talking with Aziel when I felt like my surroundings were suddenly spinning. I vaguely remember him asking me a question before everything blacked out. That must be the time I lost consciousness.

Looking around, it all makes sense that I am in a hospital.

Frustrated, I facepalm. At least, that's what I intend to do, but I find that I can't move my hand because something is holding onto it.

Frowning in confusion, I look down to check. I do not know what I expected to see, but it certainly isn't a familiar head that's resting on the side of the bed. He has his arm in between one side of his face and the mattress, while his other hand is gripping mine.

He's scowling even when he's asleep, which makes me want to reach out and smooth those wrinkles in between his brows. I can't help but stare. Despite the weariness on it, there's no denying how lovely his face is. An androgynous beauty, he looks like the male version of his sister.

The thought of his sister brings me back to Aziel's question earlier about my trouble sleeping and the possibility of me taking pills. I understand that 'sleeping pills' is a touchy subject for him, but at the same time, I don't get why he'd give a hang about my sleep troubles. He's the person I least expected to pry into my business. That's why, when he did, I snapped at him like I would if it were another person. It was a normal reaction for me.

However, when I saw how hurt he was, I immediately regretted my behavior. I don't usually care about people's reactions when I tell them off, as I think they deserve it, but I wonder why when it comes to Aziel, it's always different.

Using the other hand that he's not holding, I brush away the few strands of hair that fall on his forehead. I don't understand why he was so worried earlier. What does someone like me matter to him?

"Aziel," I call, barely audible. At the contact of my fingers on his face, he stirs. The hold on my hand tightens as Aziel slowly opens his eyes.

He appears drowsy when he looks up at me. For a moment, he stares blankly at me while I wait for him to fully wake up and process everything.

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