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"Is there something that makes you want to live even for a day despite always feeling like you don't want to keep going anymore?"

Hart spares his coworker a glance upon hearing the question. It's their lunch break, and they're currently on the rooftop where they had their first intimate conversation. The view in the afternoon doesn't really compare to the view at night, but given their options, Hart would take this peace with Aziel anytime over spending it with their noisy coworkers at the cafeteria.

It's a good thing that the day is cloudy, so they don't have to deal with the heat of the sun.

Still looking at Aziel, Hart smiles. "Like an upcoming sequel to my favorite movie? Yeah, sure."

Aziel blinks as he turns to Hart, confusion all over his face. It is obvious that his colleague's answer is not what he expected to hear.

Hart's smile widens as he can't help but think how adorable Aziel's reaction is. They've been hanging out a lot lately, but he still can't get used to this gap in his coworker's personality. A couple of months ago, if someone had told him that their company's ace has this cute side in him, Hart would have assumed that the person who said it had gone crazy.

He looks back at the view in front of him, thinking it may not be as beautiful as the night scene, but just being on the rooftop any time of the day has the same effect of calming him down.

"I don't have any grand reason for choosing to live," Hart mutters. He is no longer looking at Aziel, but he can feel the other man's curious gaze on him. "Whenever I feel like I want to live another day, it's always because of something that people would consider trivial. Something like reading a great book, but it was only the first part of the trilogy, and I wanted to know what was going to happen next, so I had to keep on living until the remaining books are released."

Whether Aziel is satisfied with the answer or not, he chooses not to comment on it. He, too, turns his attention to the city below.

A comfortable silence settles in between them until Aziel breaks it with a piece of news. "I'm leaving this company next month."

Hart doesn't seem surprised by Aziel's announcement. Somehow, a part of him is relieved to know that his colleague is finally doing something to move on from the toxic environment that he's currently in. A life away from the imbeciles of this place is what Aziel truly deserves.

On the other hand, Hart can't feel totally happy for Aziel, knowing he will be left alone. They're only starting to get close to each other, and now it seems like they have to part ways. Things have been happening too fast for them.

Hart wants to congratulate Aziel, but it feels like his voice is stuck in his throat and he can't get a single word out.

"I'll be working in a flower shop." Aziel continues, oblivious to his companion's inner dilemma. "It's a small business, and it's nothing compared to this company."

Hart nods, pretending to listen. In reality, not a single word from Aziel is registering with him.

"But the owner and the few staffs are very nice. More importantly, in that place, no one knows about Ariel and my history." Aziel glances at Hart, probably wondering why his colleague is not saying anything, but the look goes unnoticed as Hart is staring ahead. "The shop is near your apartment, so I hope you don't mind me crashing into your place once in a while."

Hart's head jerks to his side. Finally, his full attention is on Aziel again.

"Why don't you just live with me then?" Even he is surprised by his own suggestion. However, he doesn't let the emotion show.

Expectedly, Aziel gapes at him, his expression screams dubious.

As if what he said isn't a big deal, Hart shrugs in response to Aziel's reaction. "My apartment is big enough for two people," he says nonchalantly.

"That's not the issue here, Hart," Aziel points out, eyes still wide in disbelief.

"Then what's the issue?"

Aziel looks hesitant for a minute before his expression changes to decisiveness. Eyes filled with courage, he takes a step closer to Hart.

"I told you I have always admired you." It catches Hart off guard when Aziel grabs his collar and pulls him forward. And then, Aziel's lips are on Hart's cheek, barely missing the corner of the latter's mouth.

Before Hart can comprehend what is happening, Aziel pulls away from him.

"What I mean is this... I like you this way, Hart," Aziel says, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. His earlier determination is gone, now replaced with embarrassment. Looking anywhere but at the man in front of him, he keeps on talking. "I'll take you up on your offer if you haven't changed your mind after this."

And then he's gone, running for the exit as though his life depends on it.

Hart stares, blinking, confused, at the door where his colleague has disappeared to.

What the hell did just happen?

"Ha." When everything makes sense to him, Hart bursts out laughing. "Oh, my god," he utters in between his snickers. For a moment there, it was like they were acting out a confession scene from a teenage romance story. It was so corny, but Hart has to admit it makes him happy. He can't remember the last time he felt like this, laughing like a child without a care in the world.

Hart squats down, unable to contain his mirth. At the time, he has forgotten how to act like the grown-up man that he is.

He manages to calm himself down in the end. "That was gold," he mutters, his voice filled with amusement, remembering how flustered Aziel was earlier because of his own bold action. "Why is he so damn cute?"


Authors Note:

A quick extra before I say goodbye to the story. I'll miss my boys so much.

Thank you so much to everyone who supported this story 'til the end. It means a lot to me. I hope you can also support me with my other works. >.<

'Til next time!

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