Good & Evil

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The battle between good & evil. The state in which we are in a consistent war with our dark thoughts. How we adopted such ideas of darkness is incomprehensible, but we now know of its existence in consciousness. We have latched onto this force that has been in existence prior to our knowing. Evil in itself is an energy a dark energy that the soul of life takes no part in. The energy that comes from evil doesn't survive without us deriving it into existence. We can learn to banish evil thoughts and replace them with thoughts of good and peace. Our state of being in control of our thoughts is where we can counter evil from prevailing in our lives. If you indulge in all that is worldly darkness and commit acts such as murder the soul ceases to exist within your physical being, it no longer latches on to your physical presence. It simply becomes nothing of nothingness and allows your physical body to slowly become the same. The soul resides in energy of light, life, and patterns of evolving, although without dark energy there is no better energy, or "good energy" dark energy before it became what it is today the concept of all that is bad in our physical world. The idea of consciously knowing and accepting and carrying out evil actions upon the grandest gesture to the universe the spiritual being. To impose acts of negative energy upon another being to rattle the souls comfort and peace. Evil before it became concepts of the human mind was in existence as a force to balance out good energy. It wasn't what we know about evil, it was a part of the evolution of spiritual progress that was discarded to evolve an understanding of balance growth and position in all that is life. When consciousness came into existence evil energy like the soul the energy of life wanted to take hold of our conscious being, but what evil didn't expect is that it can only thrive through our thoughts and actions allowing evil to take over. So evil doesn't have the ability to survive it can only thrive within the years a human survives on planet earth. Those who indulge in evil with the full energy of ones physical being and dies a physical death while inhibiting evil in all of its nature will become nothing of nothingness after life. The soul will depart and will unlatch itself from your earthly being your mind and consciousness will cease to exist. The spirit of life will radiate in a better place without the dark earthly evil being physically present the soul of earthly life and the cosmos wants no part of the darkness of man. Long after the human race ceases to exists, so will Evil. The evil that man has created through consciousness. And the soul and the energy of life will continue to thrive and prevail throughout eternity.

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