- alliteration -

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playing around with words I have never heard or used before...

A quiddity crammed in a constant questioning quandary. Deliberating, debating the definition of diagnosis. Unparagoned lives of humans with upper-stories which work a little bit unorthodoxly. Me misconstrues my mind, my identity, in-company with the misconceptions and moulds making many misunderstood, and my most me. Acceptable signifies... The brain burns for balance built in the blood, breath and bones. A being, being ignorant of beings. Nothingness, is the numbness of neighbourhoods of vehemence. Words won't whisk into whipped egg whites & white sugar, with emotions. Reflections results in regards of imposter, fraud, ignorant, foul idiot.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read :) It truly means a lot to me :)

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