《Chapter Two》

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TW: Mentions of gore and death

"Jesus Christ." Jacob said while looking out the window. "I sure hope it doesn't hail, that'll fuck everything up more." He moved away from the window and sat back down on the couch with a heavy sigh. I kept my eyes on my phone as he spike, looking through the news. Apparently there was another murder right after it closer to town, but it was all mangled and the heart was missing. I was relieved that the killer, or killers had moved further away from us. The flutter of small wings made me look up, seeing my beloved pet bird Jackson climbing onto my seat and making his way to my shoulder. "What doing?" He squawked before putting his beak on my cheek. "Mmmmmmmwhaaaaaaa!" He said while moving his beak away, repeating the process a few times. I lifted my hand up and gently rubbed his fluffy dark colored feathers on his head. "Thank you Jackie." He leaned his head into my hand. "I love you!" "I love you too, goofball." I replied.

"If only you had a partner to say it to." Jacob sighed dramatically from the couch. I glared at him and rolled my eyes. "Yeah-huh. Says you Mister I'm gonna die alone if I can't find a boyfriend." I said with a proud smile. He looked back at me with a loud gasp. "How rude!" He said, mocking Stephanie Tanner from the Full House and causing me to laugh.

A knock on the door made us turn to look at it before looking at each other. "You expecting someone?" Jacob asked. I shook my head. "You?" I asked. He shook his head as well. Standing up, I made my way to the door. "Must be the officers." I mumbled before opening the door. On the porch in front of the door was a dark red box wrapped in a lighter share of red ribbon. Hesitating for a moment, I leaned down and gently grabbed the box and brought it inside. I could feel something slightly heavy inside, but I couldn't guess what exactly. Jacob followed me from the couch to the kitchen counter. "Open it!" He said eagerly. "It could be a gift from a secret admirer! Or from a crazy ex!" He bounced with excitement. "Jacob, I don't have a crazy ex. Doubt I have a secret admirer too." I replied. "Ooo a note!" He gasped while reaching for the note taped to the side of the box. "Can I read it to you?" He asked with a glance. "Sure, I don't give a shit." I shrugged while still looking at the box. The man cleared his throat and began reading from the note. "Dear (Y/n), I understand you are possibly confused by this sudden gift but I'd like to make my presence known in a less threatening way to you and your friend. This gift symbolizes as a peace offering and a token of my admiration for you. Expect to get more gifts like these as time goes by. Love, your future husband?" He read the last part like a question.

I shook my head as I scooted the box closer to me. "Wow. Totally not creepy or weird, especially if I don't know this 'future husband'." I said while making quotation marks with my hands. Jacob set the note aside and rested his elbows on the counter. "Well, go on. Open it! Let's see what this guy has to win your heart." He cooed with a smile. I nodded and untied the ribbon before opening the box, a horrible stench coming from it. I stepped back with a gag. "Ugh, why does it smell so bad?" I said while covering my mouth. Jacob stepped back as well, waving the air in front of his face. "Woo! Holy fucking shit does that smell!" He laughed. I looked at him before looking at the box again, seeing that the gift was covered by a piece of clothing. "That's an odd way of wrapping a gift." I scoffed and walked back to the box. I just stared at it for a moment, wondering if I should even be opening this. "..Um, Jacob? Can you get me some gloves? Cause whatever is in here smells like something dead." I asked. My roommate nodded and walked over to the island counter and looked in the drawer, grabbing a pair of rubber gloves and returning to me. I took them from him and put them on, letting out a shaky sigh. I lifted up the cloth and unwrapped it, my eyes widening. In my gloved hands was the missing human heart from the murder earlier today, still warm and blood still dripping from it.

"Oh my god holy shit!" Jacob yelled while stepping back. I calmly put the human muscle back in the box and turned to Jacob. "Call Officer Smith, his phone number is by the home phone." I said. Jacob nodded and walked quickly to the home phone. I looked back at the box and put the top back on it. After taking off the gloves, I reached and picked the note back up, going through it. The handwriting was very fancy than most people use today, and it was in cursive which people also don't use much. What kind of sick prank is this? I thought silently.

"I called Officer Smith, he's on his way without that gay-hater." Jacob said, walking back in and looking at the box. "So you have no idea who is doing this, (Y/n)?" He asked with worry. "How should I know? I don't know anyone with such good hand writing or has the balls to send me a human heart." I replied. Jacob turned to the couch, picking up our cat Phango and hugging him gently. "I do not feel safe anymore, knowing this freak is possibly targeting us." He said shakily. I put the bloodied gloves on the box and walked over to the sink. "It's ok, Jacob. We'll get it all solved. And if this future husband is going to keep his word, we'll both be safe. Don't overthink it." I said calmly. I turned the water on and began to wash my hands. Who even is this person? Why us? Why me specifically? Could this just be some dumb trick or prank? I hope it is, and none of this is real.

Officer Smith came in and took the heart and note, asked us questions, patrolled the house then left. We couldn't check any of the cameras since they were ripped down, and it didn't show who or what did it. Jacob is convinced to barricade himself in his room with all of the pets to leave me to defend the house. Yeah not gonna happen. But since he's afraid of being murdered in his sleep, I've offered that we could get the extra mattress out of the attic and place it in my room so he isn't alone. I set the book I was reading aside and stretched my arm's, a quiet yawn escaping my mouth. "Well, we should probably get some sleep. Good night, Jacob." I said. No response, just quiet snores from the mattress beside my bed. I chuckled quietly and turned off the lamp beside my bed, turning away and falling into the comforting world of sleep.


"Good night, Jacob." The woman said, expecting a response from her closest friend. She turned off the lamp and turned away from it, falling asleep rather quickly. I exited my hiding place and walked to her sleeping figure. She was so beautiful, it took a lot of self control to not bite into that soft flesh, to make it clear she belonged to me. I grazed my hand against her cheek, leaning down to plant a small kiss on it. "Good night, my love. Sweet dreams." I cooed softly, standing back up and walking to the door. I exited the house completely and walked to the forest close by, heading straight to the previous crime scene two days before. A young woman in a short skirt and a crop top laid unconscious against a tree. I walked to that tree and stared down at her, watching her silently. A few moments passed by and the female slowly woke, looking around confused. She saw me and nearly screamed. "W-What the fuck are you?! Where am I?! She asked in a panicked tone. "No need for cursing, my dear. You are quite safe with me." I replied calmly. "My name is Alastor, and you are?" The girl looked up at me with suspicion before replying. "A-Ava." She mumbled. My smile widened slightly. Perfect. "Well, my dear, I have unfortunate news for you." I sighed dramatically. She tilted her head to the side, awaiting my answer.

"I'm going to kill you then eat you!" I said with glee. Ava's eyes widened as she backed away, closer to the tree. "W-What?! No please! I didn't do anything wrong!" She pleaded. My smile thinned and I walked towards her, reaching into my breast pocket then pulling out a picture of (Y/n). "Do you know this girl?" I asked while showing her the picture. She leaned closely and scoffed. "Honestly? She's a fucking loser!" She let out a laugh. "She lost her dumbass family to a car crash that she caused." She explained. I put the picture back in my pocket and leaned closer. "Explain." I demanded. Ava gulped and continued. "W-Well it was when she was about seventeen, she had run away from home and they came looking for her and a drunk driver hit them, instantly killing her parents but her little sister died in her arms. Pathetic, am I right?" She chuckled again, looking up at me. My smile was thin and I just stared at her. "I'm, uh, guessing you're her friend? Maybe she summoned you to kill me?" She mumbled. I shook my head slowly. "No. She didn't know I existed till today. But she means a lot to me, you must understand why you deserve your painful death." I hissed darkly. Ava shot back instantly. "Well what does she mean to you?! I bet you just wanna use her as some fuck toy to-" I interrupted her by slamming my hand against her throat, cutting off her oxygen. "Oh darling, you're just like the others. But if you'd like to know why, it's very simple. I love her. More than anything. More than killing, more than inflicting pain on others and so on. How I met her? Well she went camping a few months ago with Jacob, lovely fellow, and I followed her home. Yes I planned on killing her but after time went on I just fell. She's quite irresistible and she doesn't even try! Unlike you, Miss slutty princess." I chuckled again. The woman's eyes widened even more than before as she struggled to remove my hand. Humming softly, I placed my free hand on my chin. "Now where were we? Oh yes," My claws dug deep into her neck, drawing blood from the fresh wounds. "I was going to have my dinner."

(A/n) Another one finally done omfg. Sorry if it's shitty, I mostly made this when I was tired or just bored, but yk, when is an author not tired :,)

𝕋𝕆𝕏𝕀ℂ 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼(Yandere! Alastor X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now