《Chapter Four》

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The following morning of Alastor's arrival was.. interesting to say the least. Jacob forgot he had existed and hit him in the head with a bat again, knocking him out once more. Alastor had tried smacking him in return but Balto stopped him. It seems that the so called powerful Radio Demon as he called himself was terrified of a little angry Chihuahua, who hated him just as much. But now since Jacob wanted a day out by himself and away from Alastor, it was just me and the said demon in the house. The first few hours were very unsettling. Alastor would just stare at me, not even blink or say anything, I don't even think he breathed.

I looked up at my phone and at the demon. He was still staring at me! It's like that random guy at art galleries staring at the same picture for hours. "Um, Al?" I broke the uncomfortable silence between us. "Yes, my doe?" Alastor asked, his eyes half lidded. "Can you, like, not stare at me? It's super weird." I asked. He rested his chin in his hands, letting out a sigh. "But love, I can't help but to stare at you. You're so perfect." He breathed. I stared at him for a moment before getting up and walking up the stairs to get away from him. I heard him follow me so I immediately stopped and turned around. "Can you fucking not?" Alastor gave a surprised look while tilting his head. "Not what?" The taller being asked. "Stare at me, follow me. That's all you've been doing since we let you stay here. "But-" He began but I quickly interrupted him. "Yes, yes, you 'love' me. But honestly, I think you're on drugs or just, I dunno, paid to do this? Did Ava do this?"

"Darling, Ava is dead. Did you really forget that?" The demon in front of me chuckled. I looked away in embarrassment before scoffing a response. "Well, yeah, but who knows. One of her friends might have been apart of it y'know." I turned around and continued my way up. Unfortunately for me, Alastor followed quite closely behind. When entering the hallway to my room, I noticed Balto on my bed half asleep. At that moment, an idea popped into my head and my smile widened. I bolted into my room and grabbed the dog, spinning around quickly and holding him in front of the demon. Alastor stayed where he was at the end of the hall and sighed. "My darling-"

"Call me by my fucking name." I interrupted him and stepped outside my room. The small Chihuahua in my hands looked around tired and confused, he didn't really know what was going on and looked like a tired grandpa. ". . . (Y/n), let's put the little menace down and talk about this professionally." He suggested. Backing into my room, I held Balto with one hand and held onto the door. "No." I slammed the door shut and locked it. I waited for a moment for any noise he could make. After a minute or two, I sighed and turned back around, nearly jumping out of my skin as I was met with the sight of Alastor who laughed at my reaction. "Seems like someone forgot I was inhuman."

I tsked and brought Balto close to my chest. "I didn't forget. I just didn't know you could teleport. Dumbass." I huffed. His smile grew slightly and he stepped closer to me, raising his void black hands up to squish my cheeks. "Awww, is someone angry I got in? Poor little doe of mine." He cooed teasingly along with rubbing his cheek against mine. Letting out a growl, I gently dropped Balto aside on the bed and pushed him away. "Quit that! You ever heard of personal space?!" But every time I got away from him, he just got closer to me till I was against the wall. The demon overlord wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in closer to him, rubbing his cheek against mine. "Poor sweet little precious human. No need to be all fussy over a simple hug." He teased me once more. His sappiness is gonna make me sick. I tried to push myself away from him but his grip on me was tight and unpromising. "Oh my fucking god let me go." Is all I could say before he squeezed me tightly, crushing my lungs in the process. He finally let me go and stood back.

"You're not the best hugger, my dear. Don't worry, we'll fix that!" He laughed and disappeared from my room. I stared at where he stood catching my breath from his constrictive hold. A sharp pain in my side made me hiss in pain and cover it with my hand. Blood had covered my hand when I removed it. "What the fuck?" I mumbled to myself as I rushed to the bathroom to clean and bandage the wound. What would Alastor even need my blood for? And to break our promise too? I pondered. Will he hurt Jacob?


"I'm sorry, my dear." I had mumbled softly while walking away from the forests edge. I kept walking till I spotted the old cabin I found the first week of my arrival. The outside was old and seemed it could fall down any second, but because of my demonic abilities, I had renewed the inside to make it nicer, cozier, much more appropriate for my stay. I opened the door and stepped inside, the soft groan making my ears prick. The fireplace was filled with the pleasant glow of orange that illuminated onto the demonic alligator sat in front of it. His eyes were closed, the ones on his back as well and the spikes on his back were relaxed, laying down and flat along his back. Setting my overcoat up on the coat rack, I clicked my tongue at him to get his attention. No response. Just loud snoring.

I sighed and walked to the kitchen, opening the freezer to pull out a hunk of fresh human meat from my last kill. You didn't expect I'd actually keep my promise, now did you? I made my way back to the living room, waving the piece of skinned leg in my hand. "Oh Faaaang. Wake up, little gator of mine." I sang softly. All of Fang's eyes shot open when he smelled the scent of meat, his spikes shooting up from its previous relaxed form. He stood up and lazily turned around to face me, pointing his snout upward and nudging my free hand, to which I rubbed his nose. "There's my favorite boy!" I cooed once more to the beast before tossing the chunk of meat into his mouth. Fang happily took it from me and ate it quickly, a satisfied and happy hiss leaving his now empty jaws. I bent down and cupped the sides of his face. "Whose a good boy? You are, my precious little lizard!" I praised him before giving his forehead a gentle kiss. The gator grunted happily and leaned into my touch with hard nudges and nuzzles.

I soon stood up and gave his head one more rub. "I will be right back, then I'll take you out to the pond. Stay here my precious wild phlox." (Phlox is a type of flower commonly found in Louisiana👍) Fang laid back down on the rug in the middle of the floor and watched me leave towards my room. I opened the door and stepped inside, looking around at the familiar red walls and deer heads I had brought from my old home when I had arrived. I walked over to my desk on the other side of the room and sat at it, pulling open one of the drawers and reaching in to grab a small doll with (Y/n)'s features. Little (e/c) buttons for her eyes, fabric the color of her skin, and a different colored fabric to match her hair color and length. The chest of the doll still needed to be sewn shut, but I got just what I needed to finish it. I wiped the still fresh blood onto the stuffing and stuffed some of her hair that I had stolen before then grabbed the needle and thread on the desk, sewing the doll's chest shut. My smile widened as I admired my work, humming a little tune as I turned to another drawer full of clothes inspired by her own wear. I grabbed a (f/c) hoodie and a pair of sweatpants made for the doll and put them on. Now it really looked like her. My heart beat faster as my mind raced with unholy thoughts of what I'd do to it. What I'd make her feel. The thought of seeing her fragile body tremble from my actions, to hear her sweet voice begging for release. I had to put the doll back in the drawer to stop myself from doing such things. It will all come in time.

(A/n)Finally fucking finished it oh my god,, I'm sorry to keep yall waiting and if there's any misspellings idgaf abt those rn,, I'm a shit author smhhh
Happy holidays tho lil simpy boos 🫶/p

𝕋𝕆𝕏𝕀ℂ 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼(Yandere! Alastor X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now