《Chapter Three》

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I rushed back inside from the car, my hands full of groceries we've needed desperately for the next few days. The storm was going to get worse, more thunder and lightning, possibly flooding and already a dozen people have been murdered. One of them, I was actually thankful for. My old high school and college bully, Ava was found dead yesterday. Her body had been decomposing for a week, her heart missing as well and was also sent to us with a similar note. The only thing that stayed the same was the sender, my 'future husband' as he called himself. The note and heart were taken, the cameras were replaced and a police officer would stay undercover in the neighborhood to watch the house. That didn't help us feel safe though. This murderer may not kill us, but it gives me a sense of discomfort knowing that he's killing for me. I mean, what does he see in me? I'm just a normal woman, why me? I have no flaws, I'm not rich, I'm not important, I'm just normal.

Setting the bags on the counter, I let out a small sigh. "That's the last of it. Jesus, it's cold." I took off my coat and set it on the coat hanger by the door. "Imma go get into some pajamas." I said while walking towards the stairs. I didn't hear Jacob respond, but I saw some movement on the couch. Must have fallen asleep while watching Moon Knight again. I chuckled to myself quietly. I walked up the stairs and down the hall to our temporary shared bedroom, Phango getting up from his resting spot and following along the way. I opened the door and passed Jacob to my closet. "Hey Jacob." I said. "Hey (Y/n)." My roommate replied. I stopped. Turning back, I looked at him. "Jacob?" I asked with worry. "Uhh yeah?" He asked and looked up from his phone. "Are.. Are you expecting anyone?" I whispered. Jacob shook his head. "No. Why?" He whispered as well.

Before I could respond, Balto started barking like mad, and not the good kind of bark when someone knocks at the door. "Nuh uh fuck this. Nope!" Jacob panicked and ran towards the closet, hiding in it. "Jacob!" I whispered. No response, just him muttering nope over and over again. I let out a small sigh and walked over to my bed, grabbing the bat I started to keep there and walked out of the room. If someone had broken in, wouldn't the under cover cops know?

Slowly and quietly, I made my way down the stairs and to the living room. The couch was now empty, only a red striped over jacket was on it. The tail coat was torn and it reeked of what smelled like blood and rotting flesh. The killer was definitely in the house. "Oi!" I called out. "You fucker! Get out of my damn house now!" I yelled. Balto came running to me, barking and spinning around me. "Where?" I asked. Balto let out a huff and started to trot to the laundry room. I quickly followed behind and slammed the door open, gasping slightly. A tall man in a light red under shirt, black pants and a bow tie was standing near the window. His eyes were a blood red along with his hair but two tufts of hair looked like deer ears with black tips, and two small black antlers sat upon his head between those tufts. But the worst part was his smile. It was so big and menacing, sharp yellow teeth made it worse.

When he saw me, his smile changed to be more friendly and he waved at me with his charcoal black hand. "Oh hello my dear! I was bringing you another gift." His voice seemed like it was coming out of an old radio. "Get the fuck out!" I ran at him with the bat, but he grabbed it and ripped it out of my hands. "Darling, I'm not going to hurt you. Don't you remember? My gifts are peace offerings." He cooed. I didn't believe his shit and hardly wasted a single second to start throwing punches at him, one hitting his cheek. The being growled and grabbed my wrists. "(Y/n)! Stop it now!" He demanded. I stopped trying to hurt him and tried to escape his grip. "Let go of me!" I cried out. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his long arms around me, keeping me as still as he could while I struggled. "Jacob! Jacob help!" I screamed while trying to escape his hold on me. "(Y/n), my love, please stop struggling. I'm not going to hurt you." He cooed once more. "Tell me what you are and I'll calm down!" I said, still trying to push myself away from his chest. The man let out a sigh before replying. "My name is Alastor and I'm a demon. Happy?" The demon asked with half lidded eyes. I stopped struggling and looked up at him. "Oh. Yeah. Well, say bye to your balls." I said before kneeing him where the sun doesn't shine, causing Alastor to let go of me.

𝕋𝕆𝕏𝕀ℂ 𝕃𝕆𝕍𝔼(Yandere! Alastor X Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now