Self-Care Tip #4

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Feminine Hygiene cont'd

Pubic hair is very normal. People in our society shame others for possessing it. Pubic hair performs many functions, including illness prevention, friction reduction, genital temperature regulation, and indicating sexual maturity.  Growing pubic hair is an option, but so are shaving, waxing, and laser hair removal. Ladies, growing pubic hair does not make you nasty nor not feminine, and any guy who tells you that your worth reduces because you desire to keep your pubic hair is unworthy of you.

Ingrown hairs are caused by shaving your vulva on a regular basis. Ingrown hairs are fairly common, so don't believe you're the only one with them in your bikini region. If you have ingrown hair, use a tweezer, ideally one with a pointed tip, to draw the hair out of the skin. After you pluck out the hair, don't shave there for a week; after that, you can shave if you like. Exfoliate your vulva with a body scrub or just use sugar and olive oil on your vulva to loosen your hair follicles and reduce your risks of ingrown hairs, and change your razor every week. Dry shaving produces razor bumps; instead, use unscented shaving cream.

 Dry shaving produces razor bumps; instead, use unscented shaving cream

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