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It was around 1PM at night...when someone knocked SHEHNAAZ 'S rooms door....
Shehnaaz was in deep slumber because of tiredness of continuously crying......

Knocking sound was increased.....shehnaaz sleep broke....she hastily woken up and sat down....she was in that sour mood that she didn't change her clothes too....

She cried and cried and when slept she didn't get to know.

Shehnaaz thought who could be on the door? In this time.....knocking sound was increasing with every second.....she thought to call kushal....but dropped the idea.. because she already disturbed him a lot.

Now she felt that if she will not open the door...than the person who was outside of the door...will break the door and will come inside at any moment....

She was scared....now
Some how she goes to open the door....as soon as she opened the door .....
Some one came inside with the lightning speed.... and closed the door.before Shehnaaz could understand anything and could see the person.....she was pinned to the closed door.....

Shehnaaz eyes were closed shut and her heart was bittng faster because of the fear.......

She had no guts to open her eyes because someone who pinned her...to the wall is so strong, his grip on her wrist was so tight...that it's not possible to move an inch......

She felt someone's hot breath near her ear....her chest was heaving up and down.....because of fear.....

Where do you think ?you are going .....Some one husked near her ear.......

Shehnaaz's eyes snapped open listening this voice. She saw the source of the voice...glaring her with the red anger filled eyes....maintaining eye contact with her red teary eyes.....

What are you doing here? Asked shehnaaz in whispering voice.....

Without answering her he jerked her towards himself.....took her lips into his for a kiss...kiss was not gentle it was harsh....like he was venting out all his anger on her soft lips...
Tears escaped from her eyes when he bites her lips harshly to gain entry on her mouth....she whimpered in pain...he gain entry on her mouth to taste hidden corners....
Shehnaaz was not receprocating to the his kiss, so he broke the kiss...

and said in his rapsy voice "kiss me back love" maintaining eyes contact with her hazel once....

Tears escaped from shehnaaz's eyes...he wiped it with his thumbs....again took her lips into his......SHEHNAAZ too reciprocate this time ...pulling him towards her self deepening the kiss...her tired body leaned on him....

He picked up her in such a way that she was some cotton doll.....while kissing her in the same position....

He took her to the bed..made sit on his lap...when he felt Shenaaz is out of breath he broke the kiss....

Shehnaaz breathes faster because lack of oxygen and rest her head on his chest....he sooth her back....to make her

Why did you come here ,that too alone at night? He said in his anger filled voice

Shehnaaz eyes wide open to hear his voice. She hastily stood from his lap
She was again tempted " This man has some powers on her body..she forgot everything when she saw him....

what are you doing here MR SHUKLA? And why will I answer you?
She yelled at him...

He chuckled...and stood up from the bed. goes near her and pulled her towards him self.....

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