Lord Alexander Andrew Howard Part Two

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Lord Alexander Andrew Howard Part Two

Lord Anthony Christopher Howard and Lady Alexandrina Charlene Howard nee Stuart are expecting their first child in Late April or Early May of 2302.

Lord Alexander Charles and his wife, Lady Josephine travel to Lancaster Territory to be with their daughter during her pregnancy, and they are welcome at Lancaster Territory, and they are met by the Howard entourage when it crossed over to the border of Lancaster Territory and Lord Anthony and Lady Josephine Isabella are waiting for the carriage.

Lady Alexandrina travels with Lord Anthony to meet her father and mother and Lord Alexander Charles walks over to his daughter, "You know that you are having Lord Patrick William Howard great-great-great-great-great-grandchild." Lord Alexander Charles states.

"Dad. Stuart women have married Howard men and Howard men have married Stuart women before and Howard women have married Stuart women before." Lady Alexandrina states.

"I know I think it began with Lord Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk's sons by his second wife, Lady Margaret Audley, Duchess of Norfolk and their son." Lord Alexander Charles explains.

"The Percy's have also married into the Howard Family." Lord Alexander Charles states.

"I had always heard that Lord Patrick William Howard was no fool when he married Lady Margaret Devereux." Lord Alexander Charles states and with one son, Lord Frederick William he created a dynasty."

"Your great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, Lord Robert Alexander Stuart traveled with Lord Patrick and it was he who became the first Duke of Lennox Territory." Lord Alexander states.

"Lord Frederick William Howard married Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort, heiress of Lord Edmund Beaufort but when she married Lord Frederick William. She passed the title onto her brother, Lord Charles and the Lancaster Territory passed on to Lord Anthony when Lord Charles' great-great-grandson failed to have any children, and Lord Anthony is her great-great grandson." Lord Alexander Charles states.

"Per our agreement the first child will inherit the Dukedom of Lennox, and your second son or daughter will inherit the Dukedom of Lancaster and your third child only if it is a daughter will inherit the Marquess of Pembroke Territory." Lord Alexander explains.

"Father. Do you think it is fair that our first child inherits Lennox, when Lord Anthony is already Duke of Lancaster Territory and I am still waiting for The Dukedom of Lennox.?" Lady Alexandrina asks.

"Lord Andrew agreed to it, but if you like you can talk to him." Lord Alexander states, " I mean he and I are first cousins on his mother's side of the family."

"Our second child could be the heir of Lennox Territory." Lady Alexandrina states, " One of our three children will be our daughter, but Lord Tony and I have agreed that our second child won't be born in 2305 and our third child won't be born until 2310."

"You are very sensible, Lady Alexandrina, as is Lord Anthony. Lady Karissa had 8 children and five were with Lord Andrew, two with Lord Richard William Carey, and one with Lord Charles Andrew Howard III, but her greatest love was Lord Richard William Carey, Duke of Bedford Territory, but Lady Karissa never complained about having any of her children." Lord Alexander Charles tells her.

"I know that Lady Karissa loves her children, but I always knew that Lady Karissa never loved Lord Andrew Charles. It was a marriage of convenience and without her he won't have become the Duke of Norfolk Territory." Lord Alexander Charles states.

"Lady Elizabeth. Lord Anthony's eldest sister is Duchess of Norfolk Territory and his second sister is Duchess of Clarence Territory, and his younger brothers are Duke of Kent and Langley and his younger sisters are Duchess of Gloucester and Lady Karissa will be Duchess of Sussex Territory and Lady Caroline will be Duchess of Bedford Territory." Lord Alexander Charles states.

Lady Josephine Karissa Howard, 2nd Marchioness of Pembroke TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now