Metropolis High

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The hero girls lay against a ground in excruciating pain the villain girls have red eyes smiling standing over them "Jesus these guys are so much stronger then before" Kara comments "Wow Boss wasn't kidding when he said this would give us a boost" Giganta says the girls got up to try and fight back but are knocked back by star sapphire "Any last words super dweebs?" Cheetah asks "Who still uses the word d-dweeb..." Kara asks just then Sapphire gets dragged into a shadow everyone's eyes widen at this "What the hell was that!" Catwoman asks "How are we supposed to know!" Karen shouts Just then giganta is dragged into the same shadow along with cheetah and poison ivy "WHAT IS HAPPENING!!!!!!" Catwoman shouts a figure sits on a roof flipping a coin everyone looks up at the figure with confusion "In case you value your life id recommend you leave!!" Catwoman shouts "How does one...describe life...does it bring you happiness?" The man asks Catwoman is pissed so she throws explosive cat claws at the man as he disappears and reappears in the corner of a shadow "What does life bring sure as hell know how to mistreat it" The Man says "IM USING MY LIFE TO THE FULLEST" Catwoman shouts as she launches multiple claws at the man who Vanishes from them all
"Life is not meant to be mistreated you think you deserve it?" The man asks Catwoman freezes "you know how many lives you ended with your...crimes" the man asks "SH-SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Catwoman shouts "your a monster should be treated as such..." The man says as he drags Selina into a shadow just then all the villain girls are shot out pale and they're pupils are lifeless the hero girls run toward the villains and check they're pulses they're still alive thankfully the shadow then disappears as the girls are left in awe the girls walk in school now talking about what they saw last night until the new kid walks in

The girls all look at him jessica noticed he gives off a menacing aura he opens his Locker he freezes and looks behind him as the girls look away quickly his eyes flash from purple to red and back to purple again leaving he now sits in lunch peace...

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The girls all look at him jessica noticed he gives off a menacing aura he opens his Locker he freezes and looks behind him as the girls look away quickly his eyes flash from purple to red and back to purple again leaving he now sits in lunch peacefully "anyone else get a bad vibe from the new kid?" Jessica Asks Kara has heart eyes "I'm getting more then a bad vibe" Kara says flirtatious everyone looks at her "sorry..." Kara says Dre can hear they're conversation from across the room he raises his eyebrow "We have a problem the shadow thing even though the villain girls aren't dead he went wayyyy to far!" Jessica shouts "Well he did help us out" babs says "Well...I say we capture and question him I mean...we could use the help" Diana says the girls all agree and go over a plan "And then we drop the lasso of truth on him" Diana says the girls all agree and nod Dre tilts his head "why would they be after me I don't even know them...the only way then would have known me is if they where on the roof that night...the only people that where there where those villain bozos and...oh shit" Dre thinks "and then we question him" Diana says "Like hell..." Dre says menacingly

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