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Dre blinked his eyes waking up he looked to his side and Kara was looking out at his balcony wearing his hoodie Dre got out of bed and walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist resting his head on her shoulder "So how did you like the house" Dre asked Kara chuckled "My Favorite was the bed" Kara says "Glad I could oblige" Dre said kissing her neck Kara did a small moan "Now...what say I make some breakfast?" Dre asks "Id love that" Kara says as the two kissed Dre walked downstairs "Amazing I didn't know nice guys like this existed...he treats me like a queen always respectful cracks a few dirty jokes but...mm he's all I need" Kara says Dre has already made 15 pancakes 30 strips of bacon 20 eggs and fresh orange juice Kara walks downstairs "Mmm what's that sm..." Kara says as she freezes "I figured I'd make you breakfast for the weekend since you've been working all the time" Dre says Kara just does a big smile and she runs over jumping on Dre kissing him the superhero girls and Lena come in "Oh cmon not infront of us guys" Jessica says "Fine...later*wink*" Kara says everyone eats "So Kara where did you SLEEP?" Zee asks dre cleared his throat "Child present!" Dre shouted "So Dre where are your parents" Diana asks "Uhhh they're currently...in my hometown picking something up" Dre says technically not lying "What about your siblings?" Diana asks Dre accidentally shattered his plate "Uhh..." Dre says clearing his throat "They've...moved...out" Dre says "we gonna slide past the fact he shattered a plate with ease?" Babs asks its now later in the day Dre is against a wall hiding "Come out come outtttt" babs says "NEVA!" Dre shouted "You can't hide forever Dre!" Jess shouted "Yeah but we can!!" Diana shouted shooting Jess and Babs Dre did a side flip and shot Diana and Jess but he was shot by Kara and Karen "Fuck you guys!" Dre shouted everyone now sits on the couch watching a movie

Everyone jumped at the sight of pennywise
"so...so scary!!!" Lena shouted Kara comforted Lena after a few hours everyone is asleep except Dre he breathes heavy holding his own chest his eyes flicker red "WHATS HAPPENING TO ME!!!" Dre shouted as he woke up in hell "Oh great the one place I was trying to avoid" dre says he looks to his side it's
Lucifer "Whats up with my pain in my chest asshole?" Dre asks "for the first time in billions upon billions of years a demon is growing a soul" Lucifer says "I'm sorry what?" Dre asks "Being around those...mortals is giving you a heart and in turn a soul" Lucifer asks "So that burning sensation IM STILL CURRENTLY FEELING is me growing a soul?" Dre asks "Correct" Lucifer says "Thanks for the explanation luci" Dre says As he falls backward and wakes up back on earth "A soul...a soul heheh" Dre says it's now Saturday everyone wakes up one by one Dre is watching tv "Wakey wakey sleepy heads" Dre says "Jesus Christ it was a pretty fun night last night" Karen says "So what do you guys wish to do today" Dre asks "Beach!!!" Lena shouted "Lena your like 13 can you even swim?" Babs asks "My parents enrolled me in swimming lessons when I was 4" Lena says "that's not healthy at all but lets go " Dre says everyone is now at the beach Kara was bathing in the sun also getting stronger Diana and Dre are playing volleyball with Jessica and Zee Babs Karen and Lena all make a sand castle a boy comes over to Kara "Are you from Tennessee cause your the only ten I see" The boy says "How long it take you to come up with that one?" Kara asks "Answer the question" The boy says "I'm not interested respectfully" Kara says dre takes notice of this his eyes where glowing red when the ball went to dre it burnt to nothing at all he twitched his eyes "Look it's one date cmon Blondie..."The boy said "I'm not gonna say it again I'm good" Kara says just then the boy started sweating intensely Kara's eyes widen she looks at Dre and he's the one releasing this immense heat out of anger Kara leaped into action "Dre...Dre calm down..." Kara said "Jesus Christ is it hot in here or is it just you?" The boy asked Dre got even madder the beaches water bubbles with heat "woo it is getting really h-hot" The boy said "Dre...I swear to you I don't know I'm he's just a cat caller calm...Down" Kara says Dre looked at Kara's face his eyes shifted back to normal "Ok now that that's over what's up Blondie" The boy asks Dre punches him across the sand "Asswipe" Dre said

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