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"GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Dre shouts "This dudes been screaming in pain for 7 whole weeks" Lucifer says "Yeah well your growing new power and new wings it's not gonna feel like a pedicure Lucifer" Maze says now Dre shouts louder then he ever did "turn him over!" Maze shouts Lucifer and cross turn Dre over The protrusions in his back grow "SHIT!!!!!!" Dre shouts just then he floats up he spins around he glows white and red two wings appear on his back "Wait has it been 7 weeks?" Hattori asks "Oh we miscalculated its been 9 weeks actually" Cross says Dre lands no longer glowing everyone freezes at the sight of him "Uhh why is everyone staring at me?" Dre asks they all point at his wings Dre looks left and right his right wing is an angelic white his left wing is a devilish dark purple "AAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!" Dre shouts "DEAR GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!!!" Dre shouts "Your metamorphosis into an Angel demon hybrid!" Hattori says Dre unfurls his wings into his back "did...did you break my phone" Dre asks "Yeah over the past week Kara has been calling you non stop" Cross says Dre runs out of Lux and flies towards metropolis he knocks multiple times on Kara's door "What wha- Dre..." Jeremiah Danvers says "Where's Kara?" Dre asks "She doesnt wanna see you!" Jeremiah says Dre's eyes glow a devilish red and white "Move" Dre says Jeremiah complied and moves "Kara...KARA!!!!" Dre runs into her room he's lasered upon entering "Leave Dre!!" Kara shouts Dre got up "You gotta let me explain Blondie!" Dre shouts Kara super breaths Dre through the house "I don't wanna kill you Dre NOW LEAVE!!!" Kara shouts Dre again got up "I'm not leaving until I explain!!" Dre shouts "then burn!!!" Kara lasered Dre but he opened his palm blocking the lasers and walking toward her he did a forceful air palm sending her tumbling "Kara...Let me explain!!!" Dre shouts "Fine you have 3
sec OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Kara is cut off by Dre's wings "I have been in pain for the past 9 weeks Kara I couldn't answer because...I was becoming a hybrid of two holy creatures" Dre says "Dre I am so sorry I let my friends get in my head I thought you where cheating..." Kara says "Cheating...Kara My parents are demons my aunt is the first woman and my ex is one sadistic demon if I don't have you I don't have anything" Dre says holding her hands she smiled "Also I'm now an immortal hybrid of a demon and angel so your kinda the best I'm gonna get in this lifetime" Dre says as the two laugh the two lock eyes then kiss "i promise I'll make it up to you" Kara says Dre froze for a second then caught a yellow batarang "Babs chill!!" Dre shouted "SHUT UP LIARRRRRRR" she shouted throwing multiple batarangs at Dre he continued to catch them all "this is getting pointless..." Dre says a safe is dropped on him but he throws it off "Really Cruz?" Dre asks "YOU BROKE OUR FRIENDS HEART NOW WE BREAK YOU!!!!" Diana shouts rushing him "GUYS HE WAS BUSY BUSY WITH STUFF CHILL OUT!!!" Kara shouts "Show me Dre" Kara says Dre unfurled his half angelic half demonic wings "Oh...Oh God Our Bad" babs says "yeah" Dre says his wings furled Into his back "So...So what now?" Babs asks "Now...I'm gonna ask my uncle Lucifer to get Kara and her parents a new place to stay" Dre says " in Lucifer Morningstar AS IN THE DEVIL" Jessica says "He's actually pretty chill if you get to know him guys" Dre says "Really?" Babs asks "Mostly" Dre says smiling

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