Tiaozao | 条皂

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so in memory of our favourite soapy siblings i created this oc

yes i am aware im very late for the removal of fashui, feizao and lang but well-

and also yes im chinese welcome to the rice fields mf



To start off, Tiaozao is a hybrid between Fashui and Feizao. Most of her colouration is an orange like Fashui and on their torso and muzzle the fur is a light mint green found on Feizao. The tips of her arms and feet are a burgundy-like red and reaching further up her arms is a dark mint green with a dripping-like pattern. The tail is dual coloured, featuring mint green as the base and (glowing) yellow for its tip, a line of burgundy-like red separating the two. Her inner ears are coloured dark mint green and she has a pair of small, curved glowing yellow horns. Lastly, she has Heterochromia, her left eye being a dark mint green and her right eye yellow.


Tiaozao wears a small brown pouch on her tail that is just purely for decoration, given to her by a researcher that is working on Operation: Hybrid (more on that in future books) for her birthday. She also received, and wears, a matching brown ribbon bow around her neck. As to all Gootrax that are being studied, Tiaozao wears a light, metal wrist cuff around her left wrist (explaining it in the headcanons section).


Tiaozao tends to be quieter around strangers, but once you get to know her, she will be very chatty and fun to hang around with. She seems to lack the amount of aggressiveness as a Fashui has, instead leaning more against the calmer and friendlier Feizao. She does, though, occasionally get very annoyed, but never snaps at anyone. All the researchers/scientists joke about Tiaozao being the only one holding every Gootrax in Operation: Hybrid together.


Before Tiaozao was transfurred, she was a test subject at 16 years of age. She was selected to be a test subject for Operation: Hybrid after surviving multiple tests from other Operations. She was transfurred by being injected with both normal soap and soap from Power Outages at the exact same time. There was a risk that Yasmine (human name of Tiaozao) was going to die, because the two different soaps usually don't get along (think about it like getting transferred blood that's not your blood type) and the past few test subjects did just die, but Yasmine survived! Well, nearly, anyways. She was very weak and needed some time to recover first before the scientists could run anymore tests on her.

[( theres not much to say abt the backstory she just got transfurred without much of a fight lmao)]

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