writing practice

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my writing skills somewhat died over time and im bored so say hello to this masterpiece lmao

also this is very lazy and i wont be checking for spelling and punctuation mistakes sorry

"Guys, want anything from the fridge? I'm heading over there to get some milk for the cereal." Fed calls back at the others.

"What do we have?" Feizao asks.

Fed ticks off his fingers. "Let's see...eggs, some frozen waffles, milk which I mentioned, orange juice, bread, peanut butter and jelly. I can't think of anything else."

The soapy Gootraxian thinks for a second, then replies, "I'll go over there with you. I have no idea what I want."

[timeskip to fridge bc lazy]

Feizao grabs a jar of Nutella and two pieces of bread to make a sandwich. Then, he spots a sticky note on the door of the fridge.

"Yo, Fed, come look at this." Feizao gestures the other to come over and pointed at the sticky note. "It says, 'Is soup food or a beverage?'."

Fed shrugs. "How is this even a argument? Obviously it's a beverage."

Feizao shuts the refrigerator door and turns around, facing the wolf Gootraxian. "No, it's food! Why in the macaroni and cheese frick would you think-"

"Look, soup is a beverage because you drink it. If you don't drink it then it would be a food item." Fed argued back.

The squirrel Gootraxian threw his paws up. "Who the hell just takes out a flask of soup and drinks it!? It's not like, let's say, hot chocolate or milk. You can't just drink it regularly like actual beverages."

"Yes you can! Why can't you just agree it's a goddamn drink?"

"Because it's food!"

"No, it's a beverage!"







"What the actual hell are you guys shouting about!? We can hear you all the way from in the Cafeteria!" Nightcrawler stepped through the doorway of the kitchen, followed by Sprinklekit.

"Whether soup is a food or beverage, which this bozo thinks it's a drink!" Feizao pointed a accusing finger at Fed which responded with a death glare.

"Well I mean...isn't it?" Nightcrawler spoke up. Sprinklekit snapped their head towards Nightcrawler.

"Bro. Actually what the fuck. Soup is food." The ice cream Gootraxian pointed out.

[Boom, chaos lmao. Anyways time skip few mins later]

"Hey guys! I'm back with the maple syrup. What did I-" Kawaii Shork froze in place, completely dumbstruck.

"-miss...oh my goodness guys-"

sorry i didnt include everyone! i just randomly picked some Officials lol

apologies about this being very ooc i tried-

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