headcanons that nobody asked for!

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nobody asked, but i gotta put my thoughts somewhere :D

i have some pretty complex thoughts which i think abt while in bed tryna sleep lmao


- The "goo" that infects is a parasite, just much stronger.

- Most of the time, the goo needs a host to infect, just like parasites. There is an exception for slime Gootraxians, because the slime is more of a bacteria, so it does not need host. Sorry if I'm confusing you guys lol.

- Basically the slime Gootraxians the scientists made are just made out of slime, unlike the other Gootraxians who the scientists need a test subject for the goo to infect.

- Weapons are coated with a special chemical which opposes against the other chemical found in the goo. Basically the two different chemical molecules want to be as far away from each other as possible, so when a Gootraxian tries to pick it up, it slips away from their paw.

- There are only two Gootraxians that can pick up weapons. One being the Slime Pup, which is just grabbing weapons with their mouth, other being Hazzy.

- Hazzy were originally made to strengthen the hazmat suit, but instead the experiment gone wrong and Hazzy was turned into a Gootraxian.

- Hazzy can pick up weapons because, as said above, it was made to strengthen the suit. That means Hazzy lacks the chemical found in the goo and instead, has the chemical that coats the weapons in their DNA. The chemical that coats the weapons also makes the hazmat suit more compact, and Hazzy was made to make the suit stronger, so it just all pieces together.

- If the experiment had gone right for increasing the durability of the suit, for one, Hazzy (Gootraxian) wouldn't exist. Two, the hazmat suit would be able to withstand three times the amount of damage then it usually does. So, for example you could step into a crystal spike three times before it completely tears apart.

- All the Gootraxians that are being tested and test subjects have a donut-shaped metal wristband which is actually rather light in weight. In the wristband has a computer chip which stores all their personal information, for example, name, date of birth, gender, species of Gootraxian (if they are), etc. 

- The wristband can also act as a prohibition barrier type thing. Every doorway has a sensor, and the wristbands can be programmed to not be able pass through certain doorways. That is what prevents Gootraxians and test subjects from escaping.

- Also, the wristband is very hard to break. The only way to unlock the wristbands is by a authorized researcher who pokes their finger from a spike that rises from the wristband to get a blood sample. If the DNA matches, the wristband will automatically unlatch.

- If the escapee does manage to get a blood sample from an authorized scientist, Laminax Laboratories has one more security measure. The entrance/exit is always protected with about 3 dozen guards, each armed with a tazer and multiple guns. Good luck with trying to escape!

- The Library was built by humans, but over time they forgot about it and some Gootraxians discovered it. So now it's the Gootraxian safe spot.

- All the slime Gootraxians have a layer of jelly-like skin. But when the skin is punctured, the inside will leak slime that acts as blood. The skin is actually pretty strong, despite how delicate it looks.

- Laminax Laboratories used to reside in The Underground Facility (TUF), but it was bombed due to a Gootraxian outbreak. All of the humans relocated to the current laboratory.

- The broken bridge in the Support Caves was broken on purpose to prevent any Gootraxians from escaping to the new laboratory, aka The Crystal Caves (TCC).

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