Ch13: Tether

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Azriel paused before going down the stairs into the townhouse. He had barely been able to gleam any additional information in the Autumn Court after Eris made his claims. He had been brooding about it the whole way home.

Koschei might have been in contact with Briallyn, and possibly Beron, but there was no trace of him in the Autumn woods. Still the nagging sense that he was missing something wouldn't ease off of his shoulders. The Death God knows how to hide.

Az turned and watched the sun set over the city, admiring its beauty. Music was starting up from some corner or tavern, the night dwellers just starting their day. He was never more content than he was here, even more so now with his mate in the house just below him. But as he watched the citizens of Velaris mill about, he could never relate to them wholly. There was always a knot in him that grew the more he was idle. He hated being still. Maybe it was his shadows telling him more about the world around him than most others, but there was always a restless sense he felt.

Taking a breath, he tried to release his tension before he would see Carina again. It didnt work. Instead he snapped his wings out and shot for the House of Wind. The fact that Eris had scented Carina was a threat he could not shake off. Soaring through the sky, over the city him and his family loved so dearly, he felt a little bit of ease but not enough. He was still inwardly roaring at Eris, thinking of every possible way to tear him apart, every way to make him bleed.

Those mate's instincts burned like her blue fire in his chest, kindling his icy rage. As he landed in the training pit atop the House, Cassian was already strolling out of the archway that lead inside. "Is Eris still alive?" Cassian grinned fiendishly. He knew. Cass knew that Eris would be the one tip him over the edge and push his instincts to the limit. He could feel his power rising every second, his skin near vibrating with a killing calm.

"I didnt touch a thread on the prick." Az snarled. Cassian stood just a few feet from him in the middle of the ring now and drew out his own Illyrian sword. Azriel just fisted Truthteller in one hand and gripped his sword with the other.

"What a shame, I wonder if Car-" Cassian was cut off by the Shadowsinger's attack. Blow after blow they clashed and pulled apart. The ringing of their swords a song on its own. Their movements were fluid as they had been trained. So brutal the Illyrians; Brutal, but effective. Azriel let the hold on himself loose and in response his shadows exploded. He grunted and snarled, replaying everything Eris had said.

What a furnace she must be.

Is that a touch of lavender?

Each attempt Eris had thrown at him, redirected into this. The feral beast in him roared. My mate. My mate. My mate. How had he known? There was no realistic way he could have know who or what she was just from scenting it on him. He knew that, deep, deep down. But still the taunting had ignited his fury. No one would touch her again. He made that promise with every swing of his sword. They had been sparing for over an hour and tossed off their shirts, welcoming the brisk afternoon. When both warriors were disarmed, much to his dismay, Cassian gave him a cocky grin.

"Well, well, no blades now brother." Azriel lunged, fists flying. He might have preferred blades to hand to hand combat, but the rush of it all was the same. The power thrumming through his blood. His need to protect and defend his mate. My mate. He looked inside himself, to that little flame beating in time with his heart and embraced it. His hands were still wrapped in shadow, but he could see the blue of the siphons on his hand through them. His blood heated and those stones holding his power released just as Cassian's fist flew toward his jaw, then halted. A solid dome of blue flame erupted from him, around him, knocking Cassian on his ass before it was gone a second later.

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