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Dont be mad kay auntie loren guys they're just doing political play..

Machiavellian and art of war tactics

Nag sstart na silang umubos ng mga lefties..
Imagine si loren is a military may oath din yang mga yan.. be true to your country fight for your country with your own life..

Ginamit nila jan is previlage speech ano ba si previlage speech?

A statement is said to be privileged if the person making it is protected from legal action. Generally, qualified privilege exists where a person is not liable to a successful action for defamation if certain conditions are fulfilled, for example, if the statement is not made with malicious intention

No member shall be questioned nor be held liable in any other place for any speech or debate in Congress or in any committee thereof. This privilege is intended to insure representation of the constituents by the members of Congress.

Yes at this pwede syang maexpel..
She giving up her credibility and trust ng tao sa kanya.. again she's a colonel a soldier buhay nila kaya nilang igive up para sa 🇵🇭 credibility pa kaya.. here the law about that

Article I, section 5 of the Philippines Constitution provides that "Each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member."

And also di ba kayo nagtataka bakit tahimik si bonget and mima about this?

As what ive mention sa ibang chapter ng book nato Machiavellian mga yan they are the deep side of Machiavelli the silent dangerous..
And also kung against sila jan kayang i veto ni bonget yan
Again veto power

The veto allows the President to “check” the legislature by reviewing acts passed by Congress and blocking measures he finds unconstitutional, unjust, or unwise. Congress's power to override the President's veto forms a “balance” between the branches on the lawmaking power.

Question bakit hindi nya iveto kung talagang mali si loren? They are using the tactics below..

Feel free to read the chapter 67 of this book

But here are some recaps
Those who are called the good militarists of old could make opponents lose contact between front and back lines, lose reliability between large and small groups, lose mutual concern for the welfare of the different social classes among them, lose mutual accommodation between the rulers and the ruled, lose enlistments among the soldiers, lose coherence within the armies. They went into action when it was advantageous, stopped when it was not.
It may be asked, when a large, well-organized opponent is about to come to you, how do you deal with it? The answer is that you first take away what they like, and then they will listen to you.
The condition of a military force is that its essential factor is speed, taking advantage of others' failure to catch up, going by routes they do not expect, attacking where they are not on guard.
In general, the pattern of invasion is that invaders become more intense the farther they enter alien territory, to the point where the native rulership cannot overcome them

For this reason the soldiers are alert without being drilled, enlist without being drafted, are friendly without treaties, are trustworthy without commands.
Prohibit omens to get rid of doubt, and soldiers will never leave you. If your soldiers have no extra goods, it is not that they dislike material goods. If they have no more life, it is not that they do not want to live long. On the day the order to march goes out, the soldiers weep.

So a skillful military operation should be like a swift snake that counters with its tail when someone strikes at its head, counters with its head when someone strikes at its tail, and counters with both head and tail when someone strikes at its middle.

Last month ko pa kasi nararamdaman na they are moving against the lefties thru statements ni mima..
Ayaw nila ng real war against lefties kasi madaming masasaktan kaya they are doing this.. political play in Machiavellian moves.. and art of war..

And also.. they're just using it to know if there's someone pa na kalaban sa loob and to balance everything..

3 lang yung minority sa loob ng congress.. imagine that.. bago maglabas ng something law or bill or moves sa loob ng congress they need to vote .

24 yan so anong laban ng 3 sa remaining 21 votes.. majority wins padin naghahanap lang yan mga yan kung sino pa ang dapat linisin sa loob..
Pinagiingay lang nila yan..
If nabasa nyo din yung masquerade pinagiingay nila yung mga senador know whos in or who's not..

Again sa lahat ng books ko yung about sa law and some things totoo based on my knowledge as a shitty student char . ✌️

Yun lang sana binasa nyo para lahat tayo knowledgeable about it..

Love ko kayo ud ko later..

If you have question comment lang kung medjo magulo yung explanations ko 😘😘

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