Chapter 7

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Leo's P.O.V
Everyone headed to their rooms for the night. I went to my room to put my katanas near my shelf and I walked out to head for Raph's room. When I walked in, it looked like he was about to take his stuff off.

"Hey Leo." Raph greeted.

"Hey." I said back "how you feeling?"

"Much better. It felt weird being a mutant plant dog thing." He said.

"Yeah." I chuckled a bit "Um...can I to you about something?" I asked while rubbing my neck.

"Yeah sure." Raph gestured me to sit on his bed and I did. "What do you need to talk about?" he asked.

"Well...I need to...tell you something but...don't hate me when I do." I said as I was starring at the floor.

"Leo. I would never hate you. Your my brother. Bros are there for each other." He said as he put his arm around my shoulder. "So what do you need to tell me?"

"Raph...I-I-I l-l-like you." I stuttered. My whole body felt like it was shaking. I looked at Raph who had a shocked look on his face.

"If you don't feel the same way then-" I was cut off by him pressing his lips on mine. My eyes widen and my heart kept skipping a beat. It took me a while but I kissed back.I wrapped my arms around him to deepen the kiss. We pulled apart for air while saliva connected our mouths.

"Leo" Raph started "I've had feelings for you sense we were little. You have no idea how long I've waited to do that." He said while blushing a dark pink.

"Same here." I replied. Then we kissed again. I cant believe after all these years, Raph likes me! We pulled apart again and we lied in his bed.

"And I thought you had a crush on Karai?" Raph asked me.

"Well a little. But that was so no one would know I was gay or anything." I explain as I felt my checks get a little red.

"Well now you don't have to worry cause were both gay." Raph laughed a bit making me do the same.

"Can I stay for the night?" I asked, cuddling up against him.

"Sure." He replied. I then snuggled next to him and lied my head on his plastron.

"I love you Leo." He said.

"I love you too Raph." I said and soon drifted off to sleep.

Love Me Forever: A Raphanardo Story(ON HOLD!!!)Where stories live. Discover now