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Presenting! The MOST CRINGE chapter ever existed:D late upload omd 😓

Chapter 5 — Accidental Wedding Plan

" But moom.. " Prince Alex eagerly not wanted this to happen, " I know how much you don't want this to happen and wanted to pick your own- " Alex groaned as he sank in his chair, eyes looking up with boredom. Q sighed, " oh c'mon, we both agreed to this yesterday. " the queen remarked.

" I knowww.. do I really have to pick? " " ofc! it's fine if you still didn't pick one, let's just try. maybe someone will caught your eye? " his mom smiled faintly, leaned closer to her son and patted him gently as Alex watched her. " hope you understand okay? " " mhmm.. " Alex laid both of his arms on the table and lightly rested his head in his arms.

" They will all arrive later, I can cancel it if you want " Alex sat up straight, he slightly raised his hands and waves quickly, " no no mom it's okay, I'm fine with it. it's just.. " " not ready yet? " he nodded, " yeah.. but I'll do this one for now " she chuckled, " you don't have to force yourself to do this sweetheart. " she reminded, of course she knows how much her son hates the fact of being forced by something he dislike.

Quackity stopped his hands waving, and placed them on his lap, " Something wrong sweetie? " " I'm nervous.. " the queen chuckled, she placed her hand on his shoulder, Alex looks at her " it will be okay. don't be nervous " the queen tried to calm her son.

" okay.. " the angel prince tried to breathe normally, he need something to distract him.
thoughts was filled by yesterday's events
Wilbur Soot. the prince tried to think about him but no, he doesn't know him well so. failed to distract

Karl and Sapnap? those two are probably on a date as always. failed again.

" sweetie? " he returned to reality, " Yes mom? "
" You blank out for a minute, are you doing alright? " he nodded " Should we get going now? their here if you didn't heard what I said earlier " she stands up, while Alex took a breath in. then stood up a bit after.

(Warning. It's cringe down there 😇)
Following his mother to the spot where all 'contestants'(not really 💀) would be, he finally stops walking at a certain room.

Quackity had to admit. they were all beautiful however some of them looks like they were forced to be here. " Alright girls! " the queen claps her hands to get their attention  " You all know why your here right? " she continues whilst the maidens nodded, " please make yourself comfortable and introduce yourself. "

all of them wore a dress. well.. except for this one.. and that one maiden moved forward, she was wearing a normal white shirt, pink scarf around her neck and lastly a yellow skirt. (+ socks in her legs and black gloves) she was a beautiful girl but- she looks like she rushed to find some clothes or she just have a terrible fashion for feminine clothing? (poor Niki 😢 SORRY NIKI I GAVE YOU SOME SHIT APPEARANCE HUHUHUHU)

" Hello there! my name's Niki and you are..? " she says as she approached quackity, " call me alex miss Niki " he responded, niki gave him a smile.

the others introduced themselves and bro. they all sound so cringe except for Niki.

" so what do you think son? " the queen asked, Alex approached Niki, and held her hand " Miss Niki. you are a beautiful angel but- sorry I have to decline. " " thanks, I actually dressed up as shit so you won't pick me " Niki winks, while quackity laughed at that, " my mom forced me to be here soo yeah. "

— no we don't talk about the others since I actually didn't thought for the names 🥰 and yes this is a time skip —

" I guess you're gonna be single forever huh? " the Queen teased, as Prince Alex sat down and frowned at her mom " Is there someone you already decided to marry or something? "

" mhmm maybe " the prince lied, " who? " his mother questioned. suddenly the prince paused and thought for a while.

(and of course typical fanfictions thing, he would pick Wilbur JOKINGLY and thought it was funny to say it was. and then bla bla bla bla they will get married accidently and fall in love 🧍 this is obviously a spoiler)

" Prince Wilbur maybe? " the angel prince says with sarcasm and looks away thinking '' I'm seriously getting myself in trouble '' and sweatdropped.

" oh? so it's a husband? " his mother sat down, her son looks at her, who silently prayed that his mother will catch the joke. " I didn't knew you like Prince Wilbur. " Queen Cassiopeia said, who seems to take everything seriously. " Mom I was jo- " (too late to take it back now q.)

" it's settled then! I'll inform this to King Philza. (let's just say in this au, angels and demons can get married unless both kingdom rulers agrees 😢)  " she says innocently since she doesn't knew it 'yet'

" MOM I- " Queen Cassiopeia shushed the prince, " sweetie it's okay, I don't care if you want a husband or a wife. anything just to make you happy " The queen patted him softly, matching the smile on her face.

" MOM- " " I should go and tell King Philza the news, okay? I'll be back "

and then she teleported.(shush this is magical) " I was joking. " Prince Alex said to himself. " Shit. "


" Greetings King Philza! " Cassiopeia greeted the other hell's king with a grin.

In other cartoons and fictional movies, both of them are supposed to be enemies but no. they were on good terms. that really does sounds like from fictional. this is impossible.

" Ah, Queen Cassiopeia, what brought you here? "
" Okay straight to the point. Is it possible for your son to marry my son? " Phil froze, that sentence was a lie right? '' wait what? " said by a demon that was seen behind the door.

Wilbur. (ofc typical scenes like this happen in fictional and it's so cringe and overused.)

he was just about to knock but overheard them because the door was open. (ofc ofc ofc)

" It seems like my son has an interest to you Prince Wilbur, and wanted to marry you, are you willing to do the same, Prince Wilbur? " (is that even a question now🧍)

" Absolutely, Your Majesty. " Wilbur replied.

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