ⅲ. the study session.

373 8 17

prompt; You and Peter have a "study session" for your upcoming test.

warnings: kissing, or making out if you will, it gets a lil handsy, but nothing TOO suggestive (ifykwim)

word count: 4k 

a/n: just wanted to let you all know that in this fic it follows no particular spider-man movie, its just one from my head and peter is a junior (like me) and you're a sophomore, since mj will be ur sister in this and her and peter are the same age in the mcu.


You were very glad it was Saturday, but also very sad because you wished for nothing more than it to be that day of the week forever.

You see, the thing is you had an extremely difficult test coming up Monday, and you didn't try at all this week to study for it. The deadline was getting closer and the study guide your teacher had gave you might as well had been in a different language because you didn't understand a thing on the paper no matter how many times you pretended to.

So instead of completely giving up, crying, and accepting your fate Thursday, you asked the smartest boy in school to help you. 

Peter Parker, aka your sort of friend, and your longtime crush.

He was a friend of your sister, Michelle and he'd come over once in awhile to hang out with her. You'd occasionally hang out with them as well whenever you weren't reading, sleeping, or being an anti-social person.

With all those months and what not of Peter coming over, you two getting to know each other, you decided it was best to ask him for the help, plus you really enjoyed his presence.

Michelle pretty much knew from the start, before you even did that you liked him and she would sometimes tease you about it whenever she could, which made you annoyed at times, but you knew she didn't mean it.

The two latter people were currently hanging out, and your sister texted you saying that her and Peter were making their way back from wherever they were and that Peter would be here in time for your study session.

You had the house to yourself for the time being, since your dad was at work and you were glad because it meant you got to eat your self-made dinner in your bedroom.

The dinner was a simple microwavable noodles cup and some apple juice that probably was MJ's, but she drunk yours the last time so you pretty much didn't care if she got mad or not.

You were now sitting on your bed, laptop in-front of you as YouTube played in the background. 

The day was moving slow as you waited in boredom, sitting and eating on your bed. You wanted nothing more for your sister and friend to hurry up so you could study.

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