ⅱ. late night cuddles.

408 7 4

prompt; Peter comes over in the middle of the night because he missed you.

warnings: just nothing but fluff, oh and abs, but nothing suggestive unless you make it that way.

word count: 1.6k


You were quietly sleeping in your oh so comfortable bed, light snores could be heard from you. You were content, at peace as you felt yourself grow deeper and deeper into sleep, the dreams slowly inching into your subconscious.

But of course, the tapping of your window decides now was a good idea to be annoying.

You were too tired to see if it was a tree, or maybe a bird, because you were quite frankly exhausted due to the overwhelming studying for your upcoming test, plus you pulled an all nighter the previous night watching movies with your friend MJ, well not movies, but documentaries she insisted you got educated on. So, yeah you were way too tired.

That was until the tapping at your window got inhumanly way too loud for your liking, so you got up out of an annoying curiosity from your very cozy position.

You rubbed your eyes before glaring at the noise coming from the window, only to soften it once you realized the source of the noise.

It was your boyfriend, Peter.

You sent him a tired smile, watching the boy on the other side of the window grin happily at you. You'd be annoyed if it was anyone else this time of night, but something about the spider boy made your heart giddy with pure admiration and joy.

You made your way over to the window, dragging your feet as you did and slowly but surely opened the windowsill to let the superhero boy inside.

Sure you were tired, but it was Peter.

"Hi." He greets with a sheepish smile, fiddling with his gloved covered hands.

You blink a few times, looking over his appearance. How did you fail to see the very noticeable Spider-Man suit?

"Hey, Pete." You say back, fighting a yawn.

You and Peter started dating about a month ago, and it's been going really well so far, at least to your knowledge it has been. You also knew he was Spider-Man, not because he told you but because you found out. It just so happens to have been one of those days were you put two and two together of his strange coming and goings, plus he wasn't that good at lying most of the time.

Anyway, you two were friends for two years before you started dating, him being super obvious about having a crush on you and you trying to deny your feelings but to no avail, which is why the two of you were finally dating now after 7 years, since you both blipped for the 5 other years.

Peter was really great at this boyfriend thing, and you would like to believe you were also great at the girlfriend thing, and Peter also made it a habit to visit you during the late nights after his daily patrols before the Europe trip during the summer.

But it was two something in the morning and the very said boy had a Spider suit on, on a Monday so you were curious as to why he was even out this late.

"What're you doing here this late?" You questioned, watching Peter tug off his mask, letting his unruly curls fall where they may.

Peter says nothing, still fiddling with his glove covered hands, which made you sort of nervous.

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