ⅰ. rebound

350 14 22

prompt; You and Peter have been dating for a few months, but you noticed he's been distant and you finally find out why.

warnings: def sadness, angst, w/ maybe a few swear words, and a break up

word count: 3k


You couldn't say you didn't notice your boyfriend's sudden distance from you. Well, it wasn't sudden, sudden but it definitely was out of nowhere. For the past month or so, Peter barely was able to have a full conversation with you, let alone show you the sweet, kind and affection side of him that you always adored.

It all started when you two were at lunch and the brown haired boy's attention would always wander away from your stories about literally anything and everything. You thought maybe it was your stories that probably was boring to listen to, but when you asked he assured you that he was just tired and tried to pay attention only to gaze at the end of the table where one of your classmates, Michelle sat. At first you thought nothing of it.

The second time was when things really started taking a turn. It was the day before your exam that you've been dreading since you found out about it and guess who was supposed to help you, but didn't show up. Yup, that's right Peter. The next day he apologized and said he got caught up in his Stark Internship, which you knew was a lie. And again, you thought nothing of it and decided to let things slide.

The third and final time was the worst of the worst. By now, Peter has made it pretty clear he wants nothing to do with you and to say it hurt was an honest understatement. 

You didn't understand why that was, you've been nothing but the best girlfriend you could be and it was him that had a crush on you for sometime, him that asked you out, and him to initiate the first kiss. So the problem? You have no idea what the problem was.

Anyway, today was your birthday, yes your birthday was today and you were fully expecting that maybe Peter would take a break from his weird behaviour just to be with you to celebrate your day. But boy, you truly were asking for a lot from the same boy who barley spared you a glance and whenever you would attempt to have a conversation with him, he'd keep it small.

You sighed to yourself, looking in the long mirror attached to your door, fixing your hair and smoothing out your dress that your mom had bought you a few days prior.

It was a simple look sure, but you never really went all out on your birthday, especially this once since your so called "boyfriend" didn't even bother to call or text you a happy birthday.

You blink back the tears at that thought, opening your bedroom door to make your way into the kitchen where your mother was baking you a delicious vanilla one layered cake.

"Hey, mom." You greeted her with a weak smile.

"Hey, my sweet birthday girl!" She greeted back with a cheery voice, turning to glance at you for a split second before turning back to mix the batter of the cake.

Your mother was your pride and joy, she was the one you could tell all your problems to, the one to let you cry on her shoulder, and she was the strongest single mother you knew.

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