Chapter 7

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Wedding prep, it turns out, is very extensive. Apparently my features are so unbecoming that they must be erased entirely and redrawn in new, better ways. After what feels like an excruciatingly long amount of time, the machine finally sounds with the click that means it is complete. Alexandra immediately spins me around to face the mirror, grinning with so much pride you'd believe she had styled it herself.

"Oh, it really is gorgeous. If only you had chosen a different neckline for your gown. But, never mind, never mind, you look wonderful dear, honestly," she gushes.

I am whisked away again, this time to the hall where our wedding will be held. While I wait alone in a back room, Alexandra and Katie Anne go to find my wedding dress. Alexandra emerges a few minutes later with a long white dress with a ruffled skirt and sparkling beads along the top. "Well here it is!" she coos. "You just wait, you're going to feel like a princess."

"Where's Katie Anne?" I ask, wanting desperately to talk to her again, to find out what she knows.

"Oh, she's in the main hall, preparing the decorations. That's kind of her department. But don't worry dear, we'll make sure everything fits just right."

I sigh. Whether my dress fits perfectly or not ranks about eight hundredth in my list of concerns right now. I stand quietly while Alexandra helps me into the dress, pulling it into position and standing back to admire it like it is a piece of art. "Oh you look perfect. Just perfect," she practically sobs. "What do you think?" I glance at myself in the mirror.

"Yeah it's good," I say, much too quickly for her liking.

"What's wrong?" she worries. "I can fix it for you! We've got plenty of time."

I shake my head. "No, it's wonderful, thank you," I say, as gratefully as I can manage. "Now, can I talk to Katie Anne?"

"I'm afraid not," Alexandra replies distractedly, picking a piece of hair from my dress. "She has to stay in the main hall and assist the guests as they arrive. I will be just outside though, in case you need anything."

"And I'm supposed to just sit here?" I demand. "The wedding doesn't start for two more hours!"

Alexandra shrugs. "I'm sure you can find something to do on your slate."

"I didn't bring my slate," I reply, irritably.

"Read a book," she suggests, already stepping out in the hall.

"There are no books in here," I sigh, but she is already gone.

Minutes pass and they feel like hours. I alternate between pacing the room and lying on the couch, too agitated to do one thing for more than a couple seconds. I reach for my slate several times, only to be reminded that I left it sitting on the bed at home. Despite my dad's constant reminders to do so, I never can seem to remember that thing.

After what feels like an eternity but is in reality less than a half hour later, there is a soft knock on the door. I'm pacing the room at the time, and I immediately freeze, my heart beginning to race. "Come in," I say, hoping desperately that it's Katie Anne, coming to give me more information. I might have made my decision, but if there really is a world beyond Eximius I want to know all about it.

But when the door opens, I see that it isn't Katie Anne at all. It's my brother, dressed in his suit and bow-tie and carrying a backpack, his features urgent and nervous. He steps into the room and immediately tosses the pack on the floor, looking at me intently.

"Luke." I stand and cross the room to him, hugging him tightly. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the main hall." He steps backward, looking firmly into my eyes.

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