Chapter 27

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I can't sleep that night, tossing and turning, my mind filled with endless worries for my mom and brother. I keep going through what we've learned, trying to understand it, but the more I do, the less sense it makes. I squeeze my eyes shut, dying for the nothingness of sleep. Instead my mind just keeps spinning, metaphorically of course, but still managing to make me dizzy.

After what seems like an eternity, but is really closer to an hour, I climb from the shelter, praying I don't wake my bunkmates. The air is unpleasantly sticky even now, and I find myself wishing for the temperature controlled houses of Eximius, cameras and all.

I pace the camp, counting on the darkness of night to hide me from anyone glancing out of their shelter. The moon is but a small sliver, emitting almost no light even when it emerges from the clouds.

When I reach the corner of camp where the leaders' tents lie, I notice a source of light moving in one of the tents. I realize quickly that it's Erica's, and sneak as close as I dare, to try to hear what's going on.

There's a lot of shuffling and then a voice speaks up.

"You did what?" It's Erica and she doesn't sound happy.

"I stopped her before she'd crossed the border. She hasn't put anyone in danger." Griffin's voice responds.

"You don't even know what you're talking about." Erica's voice is low and threatening.

"Then tell me, mom. Tell me what's going on here."

"Your friend," she says 'friend' like it's a dirty word, "has put us all in danger."

"You know that's not true."

"It is, and you're not to contradict me on it. Is that clear?" There's silence. "Good." Erica continues after a moment. "Summon everyone for an emergency meeting."


"Don't make me ask you again." I duck behind the tent a second before Griffin emerges, striding quickly across camp, toward where I am supposed to be fast asleep. I start to panic. I will be caught outside the shelter, Erica will know I've heard her. I do the only thing I can think of and run for my mom's tent, pushing my way inside.

As I suspected, my mom is sitting inside, wide awake. Her eyes flicker up to mine, dead, expressionless.

"Lilly," she says, her tone as defeated as her appearance.

I step forward to get a better look at her. A candle is lit beside her, allowing just enough light for me to make out her features. She has several scratches on her face and arms, and a dark reddish brown mark stretched around her wrist.

"Lilly," she says again, like she wants to say something, but quickly closes her mouth again.

I want to yell, to scream at her for leaving us again. To confront her about the letter. To finally get some real answers. But instead I swallow hard as the bell tolls across camp and step from the tent without a second glance.

Robotically, I cross the camp to the tree stump, where everyone stands. Some yawn dramatically and look irritated while others look wide awake, glancing around nervously.

I locate my friends amongst the crowd, a jolt of emotion running through me when I find them. I rush over and throw myself into their arms.

"What's going on?" Josh asks, pulling me in front of him to look in my eyes.

"Where did you go? I was worried you got caught!" Sienna smacks me in the arm and I don't respond, still trying to process everything I just learned.

"You were right," I say to Josh.

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